

LV 11
2020-09-29 Unido Global
Emblemas 24

Moments 638
17 hours ago

There's a reason you have to watch out for the quiet and nervous types. The reach and power of a glaive is dangerous. Kitty may win, but the bunny's going to make her work for it. Well it's a good chance to shake any lingering rust off and refresh her lessons from childhood. TFTC.

17 hours ago

YES!!! There's nothing wrong for the supernatural side to fight barehanded or with their claws, but a weapon can do sooo much more. Especially Seraphina with her gravity affinity. The attackers should have pushed more when they had the chance. I feel bad for those branded (slaves) supernatural. Basically it's almost a repeat of what Sigurd was doing in Kirkenes. I have nothing against slavery perse, it's more how slavers act that bothers me. They treat slaves as less than well anything, basically as nothing. Slaves are just a kind of tool, and you take care of your tools. They can still be disposable, but you still use them for as long as you can. I know that makes me sound horrible, but I'm not saying we should legalize slavery again, just that it doesn't have to be as bad as it has been made to be. Anyways a good chapter. Thanks and take care.

1 days ago

The sad thing is the fact that some of these "Hunters" are just brainwashed fools. So twisted and manipulated that killing them is a mercy. Some possibly could be "saved" but unfortunately the vast majority are too far gone. Others are just murderous monsters. They don't believe in the cause, just that they get to kill anything. When dealing with a group or Organization like this you have to be very thorough when eliminating them to ensure they don't come back. Things are heating up. TFTC.

2 days ago
Replied to Boqueeffious

Might be a translation thing. Instead of coming out as royalties, it came out as shares.

After some thought, Shi Hao said, "How about this—I'll take only a thousand silver, but I want to join as a shareholder with the prescription, taking half of the profits from every sale of Hemostatic Powder."

Asura Emperor Venerable

Asura Emperor Venerable

Eastern · Flying Alone

2 days ago

When an unknown person shows up to something, anything really, you don't ignore them especially on a battlefield. Only an idiot or someone who has a plan would walk out in the open on a battlefield. These had their hands full with two suicidal shapeshifters, what made them think a third would all of a sudden make the situation better. I guess that's why so many consider Pride the worst sin. I doubt these two will live long enough to regret their stupid decision. I take that back, Abigail might live long enough to regret it but poor unfortunate Aaron won't. We Aarons can be true morons at times. TFTC.

3 days ago

This is a good chance to shake some of that rust off and make sure he's in the best shape. Not to mention this is good practice for what's to come against the "Hunters". He's currently living up to his title as "Harbinger". His howl is a herald of coming pain, agony, and death. The conquer has come. Let the fun begin. TFTC.

3 days ago

That's the problem with fighting a skilled/experienced opponent, you have no idea the true extent of what they can do. Let's not forget about lightning's/energy's ability to pass through quite a lot of things. I'm actually surprised you continued publishing on here after you didn't get a contract. Anything you release for free is much appreciated. If I could I would support you. I hope you get the support so you can continue this incredible novel whether or not you continue to release free chapters. As always thanks for the chapter and take care.

3 days ago

you have an extra "up to".

3 days ago
Replied to aaron_randleas

I meant in this story do they not question if there's life beyond their planet.

5 days ago

That would be unnerving. To stare death in the face and hope to your God/patron spirit that the ancient technology won't fail. She was most likely a slave to some noble before her "recruitment" by the bandit group. Or one or both of her parents were some sort of combatant and taught her what they could. Than again both of these are possible. I'm most likely off the mark and honestly that doesn't bother me. You're so good at surprising me that I look forward to what's going to happen next. What ever the case, she has potential. TFTC.