
LV 15
2020-09-23 Unido Global
Emblemas 18

Moments 319
7 days ago

Every leader wanting to make significant changes needs a double to distract the masses from their true goals

"Let it wait a while," replied Xu Yang, "There are new developments in the situation at Aizu City."

Cyber Era Witch

Cyber Era Witch

Sci-fi · Little Evening Years

7 days ago

while he tested his mobility

"I can't help with your lost blood, so you might feel weak for a while. Don't push yourself too hard," Cory said, smiling at Killian.

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Games · Galanar

17 days ago

Devil's however cannot do this

"However, the demons are far from losing this war because demons can be directly born from the chaotic energy in the Abyss, making their numbers nearly infinite and easy to replenish. Demons, on the other hand, cannot do this as each new demon needs a fallen soul, which often leads to them facing a shortage of forces."

The Paladin in the Abyss

The Paladin in the Abyss

Fantasy · Big Cluck

17 days ago

waged by the devil's and the demons

"The Bottomless Abyss and Barto Hell are both lower planes, and teleporting across these two planes is quite easy. The long war waged by the demons and demons to destroy each other is known as the Blood War. From what I understand, the current war situation has the demons at an advantage. They have established several fortresses in the homeland of the demons and are continuously attacking. It is said that the demons have also once invaded Barto Hell, but I have my doubts about this, as it's quite strange to imagine these Tanari cooperating."

The Paladin in the Abyss

The Paladin in the Abyss

Fantasy · Big Cluck

27 days ago

Landon shook his head amusedly at them this seems to be a more appropriate sentence as they are senior to junior family interactions inspired through joy

Landon shook his head bitterly at their disappearing silhouettes.

I'm the King Of Technology

I'm the King Of Technology

Fantasy · lumydee

28 days ago
Replied to Jamesand4316

Hey look at that my point has been proven that only a fool would write out their crime spree in an admission of guilt

1 months ago

Your'reusing the wrong gender in a few sentences here. The hers and he's have been misplaced, or sewitches

She said he liked something called Mrs. Pac-Man and another that was classified as a pinball machine themed after the Jurassic Park book."

I'm the King Of Technology

I'm the King Of Technology

Fantasy · lumydee

1 months ago

I've enjoyed reading this well written story of fantasy and how modern convenience would be integrated into a partial fantasy world. The characters are well rounded and have consistent backgrounds that solidify their depth and development . I also like the description of the alternate worlds they interact with .

1 months ago

How about: With the drainage channels full of fish we no longer had to worry about what we were going to eat?

The industrial park had been half submerged by seawater, the waterproof channels at the base were not working properly, failing to drain the seawater, and most of the area within was now feeding the fish. However, the space was quite vast, and even starting from scratch, there was ample room to rebuild.

Cyber Era Witch

Cyber Era Witch

Sci-fi · Little Evening Years

1 months ago

You are constantly switching genders in your description throughout the story. Women are being identified as men. You are using he, his , and him in place of SHE, HER, HERS.

"What...?" 102 looked up, puzzled. 101 turned his back to the television, holding his sister tighter and closing his eyes.

Cyber Era Witch

Cyber Era Witch

Sci-fi · Little Evening Years