bblala - Profile



male LV 15
2020-09-17 Unido Canada

Emblemas 16

Moments 150

Replied to DarkFyre

what was it for again?

Shaking his head, Sunny put butter on the pancakes, then retrieved a glass jar from the cupboard with a shaking hand. Finally, he poured some… s—some... some honey on top.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to DarthJarJar

he cannot use sword body tho. its a form of sword aura and they only use their body in this tournament

"Three punches, right? I won't move a muscle until you throw three punches at me," Yuan declared with a calm smile on his face. His intention wasn't mere arrogance; rather, he aimed to test the limits of his newfound strength.

Cultivation Online

Cultivation Online

Games · MyLittleBrother

Replied to DarKnight25

not all dragons are godslayer. Krad and Ray are the only known godslayer dragons.

What Quinn didn't know about Ray's armour set was that it was special in its own way, and there was a reason as to why it wasn't considered a God Slayer set. That was due to it actually being made from Ray's original body. It wasn't made from crystals like regular armour, and anyone who wore the armour would be able to summon somewhat of the fierce power of the Red Dragon Sen.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to Moist_b01

yes if Sil could also use multiple abilities at the same time and wasnt limited to 6 abilities.

'This is so annoying!' Ray thought. 'If only… if only I was like the old me, and had my powers from before. I would have been able to deal with this guy! Am I really going to lose like this!'

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to ElPrincipeAustral

he is pretty much at the same strenght or stronger with pure strenght but he doesnt have his abilities which make him way more flexible. he could use any human ability. lightning, fire, teleportation, future sight...

'This is so annoying!' Ray thought. 'If only… if only I was like the old me, and had my powers from before. I would have been able to deal with this guy! Am I really going to lose like this!'

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to DarKnight25

godslayers body disapears when they die so its impossible. Ray didnt die, his body became an empty shell after what Bliss did

What Quinn didn't know about Ray's armour set was that it was special in its own way, and there was a reason as to why it wasn't considered a God Slayer set. That was due to it actually being made from Ray's original body. It wasn't made from crystals like regular armour, and anyone who wore the armour would be able to summon somewhat of the fierce power of the Red Dragon Sen.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to ElPrincipeAustral

Remember how Hilston couldnt win against a 5 spiked dalki without abilities. no matter how much they train, none of them is close to Hilston's level.

The same scene was happening everywhere, the Dalki were getting hurt slightly, improving their strength and in turn, they were able to overcome the attacks and were taking out the Blades one by one.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga


She asked for it 🤦🏾‍♂️

"Why do I hate vampires… the answer is obvious, and you worst of all, was the one that had turned me into something like THEM!!!!"

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to ElPrincipeAustral

He is drunk

"Hey!" Quinn shouted, looking at Wince. "Don't you remember what I said? I'm a god of blood, and these guys have spilt a lot of it."

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to KOj0ker

information is probably the most useful thing to have in an apocalypse tho. No one knows what is going on and he has someone who can answer almost all his questions.

Bai Zemin looked at her deeply before closing his eyes and saying casually, "You don't need to worry. I will do my best to repay you for the help you have given me so far."

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN

Replied to WarStrider72

im surprised Quinn is acting like that knowing that Geo and the others could be killed at any time

Using Sil's special powers, a ship was summoned, and the two were off. They didn't really know where they were going but decided just to head to one of the closest planets. Once they reached the planet, they would fly around until they saw a living place, then there was always something else they would spot as well, another tower.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga

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