to be fair that thing was level 50
Level up: 28 → 35]
Others · The_Ninja_king9138
apartment wants to call b******* that she did not angry but another part of me does not care because she's hot
'Seriously, pink hair is such a red flag…' He was slightly prejudiced since his first girlfriend was also pinheaded.
Fantasy · RashCore
well to be fair we only seen to my knowledge kaharu as an old hag so she could have been a very much a hottie when she was younger it's extremely gross to think about it but it's probably right cuz there's powerful women in Naruto world seem to the instinctually be bombshells or damn hot women in general in terms of physique
For the first time in years, the Third Hokage and Homura noticed something unusual—when Koharu smiled, there was a certain charm about her. The deep lines on her face, the slight curve of her lips—an unexpected beauty hidden beneath the years of war and leadership.
Anime & Comics · Uzumaki_Kushina_21
yeah still funny though
Kurama's voice softened. "However, listen to me carefully, Kushina. Do not let the higher-ups in Konoha know that you have become a Perfect Jinchūriki."
Anime & Comics · Uzumaki_Kushina_21
please tell me she's going to be a part of the harem she'll fine lady
She wears black boots with bronze heels and a cape that is purple inside and black on the outside. The cut of the cape is stylized to end in flames and arrows, with a row of diamond-shaped bronze beads on the back. Above this line of beads appears to be an emblem of a tiara that is her personal symbol.
Others · The_Ninja_king9138
honestly not counting this context I do miss being in school life was so much more simpler I had a schedule that kept me on track now I'm just mostly reading books and playing video games all day and occasionally having to put all that down just to spend a few hours at work man my new schedule's s***** compared to my school one at least when I went with my school one I got food and it was free food so it was even better
Perhaps, school wasn't such a bad place.
Anime & Comics · SparkyXD
is this what they call autonomous ultra instinct?
"I know it sounds ridiculous," Ryen replied, his voice tinged with exasperation. "But it's a fundamental rule of this world. Even if you rain down a literal storm of arrows, it wouldn't take a single hit."
Video Games · PixelWarden
bro looks like he pulled off the sexy jutsu from Naruto
Luo Yuan, however, didn't join them. Besides, he was more interested in helping Misty shop than witnessing James's cross-dressing horror from the original plot.
Video Games · WiseTL
like what do you expect they're both criminals and you're the the police particularly a high ranking one at least four is basically a commissioner of some level in a sense so yeah you're the f****** authority in there the criminal so of course they're going to team up
"They're teaming up?"
Video Games · WiseTL
on to the person itself or the heaven system?
Whatever negative status effect someone tries to inflict on you gets reflected onto them. Potency scales with Demonic Power.
Highschool DxD: Crawling x Chaos
Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck