Yes please I would love to read more.
I'm not sure I'll continue unless y'all want me.
Anime & Comics · Try_hard
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Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_
No, just general stuff but mostly well organized
He was able to connect the dots and understood that they had probably captured either Wolverine or Deadpool or maybe even some other hero with a high regeneration factor and used them to create this serum.
Movies · Addyctive7
could you share the names of those fanfics with minecraft powers ?
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Book&Literature · Fangrove
I have about 500 GB and it´s not even close to enough
'Hmm. Let's see. Is it about 5 terabytes?'
Anime & Comics · Manhwas
Review before reading. XD just for the description this story has a lot of possibilities. I should be sleeping but I will give this a chance in exchange of my needed sleep hours .
Este livro foi excluído.
this is the good shit :3
Rick and Morty a way back home reference ? :3
Morty shrugged casually. "It shouldn't be any different from Masturbating."
Anime & Comics · Try_hard
Finally ! Someone who can see that she is ugly .... dude her younger part is hot but the adult actress is just plain ugly...
'Its too bad they replaced the younger Rhaenyra Targaryen actress with that woman…she's kinda…not quite ugly but nowhere near as attractive as the other one…though they nailed it with Alicent Targaryen Nee Hightower.' I thought to myself as I clicked on the show and started the young series over again.
TV/Movie world hopping
TV · Shane_Town