Zskyph - Profile



male LV 3
2020-08-26 Unido United States

Emblemas 8

Moments 290

Replied to damfn

Only to Fire Magic casted by weaker Fire Mages.

Belka casted [Shadow Step] spell to temporarily grant her invisibility. The Fire Demon could not find her so it sprinted toward Samm to attack him instead. Samm casted [Spiral Flame] spell to create a spiral line of flame that appeared under that Fire Demon's feet. The [Spiral Flame] quickly spread out two thousand square feet, locked and sealed both Demons inside by sucking their feet down on the ground to prevent them from escaping. The [Spiral Flame] stopped spreading after it spread three thousand square feet and continuously burning heavily both the Fire Demons inside. Samm then deactivated the [Spiral Flame] to conserve his mana after killing two Fire Demons conjured by Arthur.

Twin Soul

Twin Soul

Fantasy · Zskyph

Replied to ChillCultivator

Sadly no.

Este número foi suprimido.
Twin Soul

Twin Soul

Fantasy · Zskyph

Replied to Tims232

Jay Nee

Jaane cried and hugged her father one last time before starting her journey to the capital city. Jaane knew her family was very poor. For her father to be able to give her a pocket containing ten silver coins like this, he must have been working multiple jobs for at least three years. Holding the money pocket in her left hand, Jaane cried even harder thinking about all the time she blamed him for not being home with her. Jaane now knew why her father kept being absent regularly at night.

Twin Soul

Twin Soul

Fantasy · Zskyph

Replied to damfn

It's pronounced "Jay Nee".

"No, Jaane. I have heard members of the Mage Guilds have to go fight monsters of the Dryardian Empire. I heard that those Demi-Humans are very strong. Just please stay inside the capital and learn magic, okay? We will send more monthly allowances to you if needed."

Twin Soul

Twin Soul

Fantasy · Zskyph

Replied to SpiritsGoCrazy

He thought to himself.

Kain couldn't help but laughed out loud and thought to himself, "I should be the one to say that. My blood pool is large enough to play with ten of you all day long." Kain felt like he was cheating by using the Blood Pendant. At his current level, defeating Oletha would be possible but very hard without using it.

Twin Soul

Twin Soul

Fantasy · Zskyph

Replied to Sweet_Tea

For Conjuration Magic.

Oletha Harrison, twenty-five years old, level 30 Light Mage. She joined the Mages' Academy of Sinerin at the age of ten and quickly became one of the top geniuses of Sinerin. At the age of twelve, she advanced into the Intermediate-tier of Light Magic. At the age of sixteen, she mastered the Intermediate-tier which surprised all students, professors, and the Principal of Sinerin. It took her two years after that to advance into the Master-tier. It has been only seven years, and Oletha managed to master the Master-tier of Light Magic. Oletha was the strongest Light Mage that Mages' Academy of Sinerin has ever trained in the forty-eighth calendar of Toria Continents. Everyone who knows Oletha believed that she would advance into Legend-tier then Saint-tier. Perhaps even God-tier in the future. Oletha Harrison was the victory key for Sinerin to defeat Flumen in this tournament.

Twin Soul

Twin Soul

Fantasy · Zskyph

Replied to LeoStriker23


Kain continued to appear to be confused. He said, "You said you have tricked me, what do you mean by that when I predicted that is exactly what you would do?"

Twin Soul

Twin Soul

Fantasy · Zskyph

Replied to LeoStriker23


ch 314 V3 C12 (10/12)

Twin Soul

Twin Soul

Fantasy · Zskyph

Replied to LeoStriker23

Sorry, let me fix it.

ch 303 V3 C11 (10/11)

Twin Soul

Twin Soul

Fantasy · Zskyph

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