Webnovel Author: Webnovel_Username - Fanfic Collection



male LV 1

Uh, pretty hard to write a bio about yourself, huh? Well, I'm English, I enjoy fishing and cooking, and most of all I want to try my hand at writing!

2020-08-17 Unido United Kingdom

Emblemas 3

Moments 62

Replied to Seud

It's like 1AM where I am and I'm not nearly tolerant or awake enough to entertain this, so yes, you're correct, it's extraordinarily dumb. Yada yada yada. Happy?

A colossal bang went off as I pulled the trigger. The rifle bucked backward against my shoulder and even with my intense workout regimen, the recoil hurt immensely. But I ignored the pain and held the gun down as I continued looking through the scope.

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

TV · Webnovel_Username

Replied to blueDaoist

Go cry somewhere else.

ch 0 7 A Talk With An Argent and A Talk With The Salvatores

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

TV · Webnovel_Username

Replied to Scientistx

Did he? Where? I might've been incredibly tired when I wrote it and not known what I was writing. Because what he has is more than enough. He can utterly wreck most Vampires that show up in the series with nothing but pure physical strength and when an Original comes about, he'll just have to use his training and brain to outsmart the Original. If Klaus becoming a Hybrid is really that much of a problem, he'll just have to stop Klaus from succeeding. Same goes for Marcel and Lucien when they try to become Upgraded Original Vampires. Nor is he some sort of magical/science-based genius who would be able to do any of the enhancements you've suggested. No super soldier serum, no special witch spell that evolves him or whatever--nothing like that. Because 1) How's he gonna get a super soldier serum? Like seriously, my guy. That's completely out of nowhere. And 2) If he used a ritual like that, he'd gain weaknesses. Nature doesn't like being cheated like that and would revolt back at him, giving him weaknesses to the things that gave him power just like how the Originals gained weaknesses to the things that gave them power in the first place. But the major problem? How's he supposed to trust a witch to make such a spell like that? Once such a spell has been made...Jesus, it'd cause pandemonium. Every human hunter would want to have it done to them and it'd completely flip the balance of nature, and just like I said, Nature doesn't like sh*t like that happening. Something bad would happen if a spell like that was let loose. Plus, the sacrifices/things needed for a spell like that would be...preeetty extreme and I doubt the MC is willing to mass sacrifice people to fuel the spell.

ch 0 7 A Talk With An Argent and A Talk With The Salvatores

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

TV · Webnovel_Username

Replied to Seud

If I was wrong, I would've just changed the paragraph lol. Not like it's hard to do or anything. Snipers who've been snipers for years can make mistakes that end in bruised shoulders and whatnot. It's only human to make a mistake, especially in such a high stress environment like Vampire hunting.

A colossal bang went off as I pulled the trigger. The rifle bucked backward against my shoulder and even with my intense workout regimen, the recoil hurt immensely. But I ignored the pain and held the gun down as I continued looking through the scope.

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

TV · Webnovel_Username

Replied to Werph

Enhanced physical prowess and an invulnerable mind that can't be effected by Vampire Compulsion and other similar powers.

I'm not gonna let that woman get out. Well, I'm gonna try at least. Damon's crafty as hell and he's got a century on me when it comes to lying and manipulation. Alas, the only weakness I have so far is a lack of experience.

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

TV · Webnovel_Username

Replied to RookofBlack

I mean, if you shine a light at him in the dark, yeah. But probably not as much as a cat's.

'Bright and full of light' lit up? Not really. But 'I can see enough to not fumble around like an idiot' lit up? Sure.

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

TV · Webnovel_Username

Replied to RookofBlack

There's just no point in that though. If he can't have his gun in a situation, he probably wouldn't have a combat knife either. Relying on his superhuman body is his most reliable bet because he'll always have access to it.

So that meant I didn't have the ammo to take out these guys quickly enough. Even with my reload speed, they'd have crossed the distance and made my gun advantage pretty useless. Meaning I'd have to take them down via CQC.

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

TV · Webnovel_Username

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