Kinkamaya - Profile


LV 14
2020-07-28 Unido Global

Emblemas 10

Moments 34


So not that different then 😂

Most troops are of flesh and blood, like Archer and Musketeer from the Human Race, they are no different from real humans except that they lack wisdom.

My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Urban · Bimo Zhijian


Why fairly again? Most of these fights seem heavily biased 🫤

Noble Soul turned into pixels and lost the battle fairly. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario



What was even more infuriating was that each heal the lolitician made tranted the participant's buffs, so they were beginning to suppress the aspects of Devilkin, especially since they also had Tier 1 Control on their side. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario


Is this still a globally viewed game event with the inferred intent to suck more player's into the game? 'Cos I'm not seeing this as helping the cause.

"Today, you will learn how to deal with an Omnipotent Mage. Thinking that mages are limited to Fireballs and Lightning Bolts is the height of stupidity. They have many more ways to deal with normies like you, and I will teach you the hard way." Draco remarked with amusement. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario


I mean, sure. He wiped out most of the thousand strong raid group with ease. Just attack him one at a time.... bound to work....🙄

This shocked the remaining core members, as they realized that things were critical. Uno roared and burst forth, using his Charge skill! 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

Replied to Matthias_Schmidt

Loki was one I'm pretty sure

One should remember, the 9 High Humans were Chimeras basically, humanoid amalgamations of various bloodlines and species merged into one, creating their near-infinite and senseless power. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario


Fair enough. I stand corrected. Whilst the 2 top power Lineages kept each other busy, the other 4 Lineage got beaten up by the non Lineage Mexicans. This I like👍👏👏👏

The moment the match came to an end, the crowd erupted in cheers as they chanted 'Mexico!', as well as the names o the individual fighters. The five congregated in the center of the arena and smiled at the cameras. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario


This is where this novel starts to dip for me. Lineage beats everything. Only other Lineage can win against Lineage. So what's the point? They don't even need skills.... just Lineage....

In the end, Italy managed to clinch the shocking win over England, using the Lucifer Lineage's battle power to overwhelm the other team's class advantage. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

Replied to Kinkamaya

But I guess the artisans who were told to build it were English?.?.?

The Scots disposed of their pose and got ready to fight. Since they were neighbors and both part of the United Kingdom, England's team had been warned by the Royal Family to give the Scots some face. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

Replied to Anubesetesh

Actually the Romans built the wall.....

The Scots disposed of their pose and got ready to fight. Since they were neighbors and both part of the United Kingdom, England's team had been warned by the Royal Family to give the Scots some face. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

Replied to Just_AJ


In the same manner, Deployed Soldier was weakened by 140% for his damage, 160% for his defense, and 110% for his speed not even fascinating the 40% reduction to all stats. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario


12 minute duration. The round is only 3 minutes.

As such, he used his last card and activated Continuous Charge. He hoped that he could give Boyd some berth and then regroup to consider how to avoid this attack until the duration ended. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

Replied to Brutale

It's another way of saying 'as potent as this'.

He then charged his power as he lifted the sword high above his head and stretched his body out. The Demons trapped in the attack were on the verge of death, having been diced up by Destruction Energy this potent. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

Replied to Ruxx0028

Charger is a colloquialism for horse I believe.

Eva frowned. "I sense almost a hundred pursuers closing in on the carriage. They seem to be the same king of knights we killed on the previous floor, and they are riding their chargers almost to death just to catch up." 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

Replied to TheStatue

To 'curry favour' is a common term in English

No, even Gavin Guy and co would drop all hostilities and run ahead of their lackeys to curry Draco's favor! 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario


What was Sublimes lineage? I'm sure it was indicated she had a bloodline a while back.

Sublime also stayed with him to watch the initial progress of the war. She didn't expect Vita to lose, she just wanted to see some losers cry in despair as their heads were separated from their bodies. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

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