I love the witcher games. Just finished the witcher 3 wild hunt and now on heart of stone dlc. In my humble opinion, witcher is one of the best fantasy series to ever exist. I really look forward to the MC journey in the witcher world.
- Alex Mercer, with the BlackLight Virus!
Movies · StrikerAuthor
- Devil May Cry ( will just prob be Dante and Vergil )
Movies · StrikerAuthor
Brah that looks like me!!
Este número foi suprimido.
Anime & Comics · CodeKingu
He is a player right then when will start grinding? Grinding plus being a vampire is so op. Thanks for the chapter.
Congratulations on finishing volume 1. Thank you for this amazing story.
A very unique story with very in depth storytelling. Definitely recommend reading it.
Kara Danvers
The hero of DC and Marvel
Movies · wolf_king87