Yep, this is true. However wearing too much purple was also seen as rude and inappropriate, at least in Rome.
Neji wore a casual black t-shirt and purple pants, with a bracelet fastened around his wrist and a blue earring in his left ear. His parents thought their son suddenly had a knack for jewellery, but only Neji knew how useful these "Items" were.
Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
Any new thought in about how things should be done in the imperium is heresy
Catachan Jungle Fighters, Mordian Iron Guards, Maccabean Janissaries, Elysian Drop troops, Death Korps of Krieg, and many more elite infantry regiments are slowly marching.
Anime & Comics · SomeGuyOnDarkArmor
Nah, capitalism is the best. But between socialism and gettingg my skin flayed off or something for say something mildly Heretical, imma choose the commies
"So, I would like to ask, how does the Imperium think of having me aboard in your faction?" said Palpatine which earned him a chuckle from man in front of him.
Anime & Comics · SomeGuyOnDarkArmor
But yes before that in some places in Japan a fully adult person could legally have sexual intercorse with someone who was 13, but only as long as the parents of the 13 year old said it was ok I believe.
(I'm here and nothing is stopping me….)
Urban · Ryuu4
Well when I made that comment it actually was the official national age of consent. However, in most counties of Japan there were local laws that actually raised it to 15-16. However back in June the country nationally raised it to 16.
(I'm here and nothing is stopping me….)
Urban · Ryuu4
Nah bro, I like the color purple. It’s actually my favorite, but I also like not looking like an insane person, so I don’t wear purple pants.
Neji wore a casual black t-shirt and purple pants, with a bracelet fastened around his wrist and a blue earring in his left ear. His parents thought their son suddenly had a knack for jewellery, but only Neji knew how useful these "Items" were.
Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
In the books I’m pretty sure that the crypts closer to the entrance are supposed to be older. And any crypts after the latest Starks to die would be empty.
Robb shook his head. "No, we go deeper. I want to know how deep a wound I must leave the Boltons to equal the wound they have dealt us." Grabbing his torch, Jon rose to his feet, following his brother deeper into the crypts, the tombs all desecrated and destroyed, some more so than others.
TV · Carrots123
Happy holidays, don’t force yourself to write. It’s a good way of publishing a chapter that you don’t really like and killing your interest in furthering the story.
Don't panic, I am not abandoning this story. However, I've been pulling overtime at work in preparation for Christmas and haven't had much time for writing. I will try to get a chapter out for Injustice for Christmas and New Year, but if not, I'll return to a regular schedule in the New Year. So, if I don't update then, I wish you all a Happy Christmas and Happy New year.
TV · Carrots123
😅how so
His second son, Torrhen.
TV · Carrots123
Well, it’s an R18 story… there 11 at the start
For me, the answer was simple. When I suddenly found myself in Draco Malfoy's body, standing in front of a robed, bearded figure that his new body's memories identified as Dumbledore, about to witness one of the most important events of the history of this world. A moment I recognized easily as the climax moment of the Half-Blood Prince.
HP: Tainted Desire
Book&Literature · Lazy_Ryuu