One good say [sword mastery] and [stab] both work well together.
Este número foi suprimido.
Fantasy · DonnEll
Este número foi suprimido.
Fantasy · DonnEll
I feel personally attacked here.
From another's view, they would call it a Hollywood overaction, but as he was as focused as the first time he watched porn, he didn't even know how he looked right now.
Others · GH0STS
I just noticed the authors naming sense for angels. 5th class ends in ta (Lita, Erta, Feyta) while 6th class ends in iera (Spiera, Liera). I might just be slow on the uptake though lol
After a round of drinks, Yu IlHan asked about Spiera as Liera looked to be in a better mood now. Liera replied obediently.
Others · GH0STS
That he realizes anyway lol
Although, until yet, he didn't know because he hadn't received true affection.1
Others · GH0STS
Shrek and Toy Story also.
Even though the only ones that succeeded with a '2' attached to the end were just Terminator and Die Hard.
Others · GH0STS
How dare you mention that here translator! Those of you who don't know should go and thank the lord for your blissful ignorance.
Even though there were more men than women here, how come he thought of an ominous scene in an ominous anime…(T/N: *cough* boku *cough* no *cough* pico *cough). Yu IlHan cursed himself for thinking that it was worth coming here just for this scene, but perhaps due to his higher curse resistance, nothing happened.
Others · GH0STS
Kinda sounds like the same thing imo
To Yu IlHan, power was not something to protect today, but the ability to make tomorrow.
Others · GH0STS
Why do I hear boss music?
Of course, she would never know that her greatest enemy was not a mere Na YuNa.
Others · GH0STS
"Let's go. I like girls."
Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound
Fantasy · Zeom