Aiden_Helmick - Profile



LV 4
2020-05-17 Unido Global

Emblemas 8

Moments 299



Picking up the magic stone, a hint of joy flashed across Ethan's face. He looked like a typical east asian youth.

Danmachi: Captured by Freya at the Beginning!

Danmachi: Captured by Freya at the Beginning!

Anime & Comics · U22


Prototype domain expansion, the dungeon is TECHNICALLY a living thing, so if he did take a potion...

I meant it too since it was better for me to have found out about my sensitivity to mana potions in a semi controlled environment rather than by chugging a full undiluted potion in the dungeon and exploding pathetically. I might be wrong but I am pretty sure the only reason I didn't explode from the small amount I drank earlier was because regrowing Naazas arm was just that expensive. by my calculations the amount of energy I used was the same as I would normally have at H rank magic at level two.-

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Anime & Comics · loskro


found this one looking up skyrim gifs


I lazily flick a cigar in my mouth as they realize their little attempt was thoroughly foiled "Tired Ulfric?" I ask mockingly "I am just getting started."

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav

Replied to Aiden_Helmick

*as well be

Justice seemed to realize that his speed would not give him as great an advantage as he thought. Rayleigh moved like someone who completely mastered Observation Haki. Since he was no match for Rayleigh's technique and his speed didn't help him much, then he'd go with strength.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob


When he gets observation haki, he might as be on a different timescale...


Justice seemed to realize that his speed would not give him as great an advantage as he thought. Rayleigh moved like someone who completely mastered Observation Haki. Since he was no match for Rayleigh's technique and his speed didn't help him much, then he'd go with strength.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob

Replied to Play_it_cool


Of course, many Padawans died on the path to becoming a Je'daii Ranger. That only made Rayleigh more excited, though. There was only one thing he could learn better from a Jedi Master than he could learn from Tython, but since it had come to this, he decided he'd just cheat to get around that.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob



Winning a sparring match using Shii-Cho required pushing the opponent back until they were tired out and then disarming them. Shii-Cho was used to prevent yourself from being harmed and also to prevent yourself from harming your opponent. Because sparring using Shii-Cho required endlessly pushing yourself against your opponent, the winner was not the stronger fighter, but the one who had the most determination. Thus, Shii-Cho was also called the Determination Form.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob


orochimarus cooked, fujin can just take all oxygen out of the domain with the exception of the air around him and the fire will fizzle out before it reaches him.


The flames entered into Fujin's Wind Domain and were further strengthened by the Winds! In the blink of an eye, the entire Wind Domain was lit on fire! Standing in the center, all Fujin could see were flames! Even though Orochimaru couldn't see Fujin's face, he could imagine the shock on Fujin's face!

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

Replied to Weebish_Jedi

it's been a while since i watched naruto, so I guess we'll find out next chapter, I couldn't find anything looking it up.

Dozens of Vacuum Bullets were launched from the tip of his fingers at Orochimaru. Due to the short distance between them, Orochimaru couldn't dodge them all. Several of the Vacuum Bullets pierced through Orochimaru's body as he coughed blood and crashed to the ground!

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex


isn't this only orochimarus blood clone? while equal in strength, it's still not him so he might not even know how fujin obliterated him.

Dozens of Vacuum Bullets were launched from the tip of his fingers at Orochimaru. Due to the short distance between them, Orochimaru couldn't dodge them all. Several of the Vacuum Bullets pierced through Orochimaru's body as he coughed blood and crashed to the ground!

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

Replied to Writers_Ablood

he already has Fatebringer, is he running VOG again for vex mythocrutch?

Praedyth seemed to scuttle ahead, over the edge, he laid his eyes on the Radiolaria well, situated between two high walls that stretched to the sky, a crevice carved through stone. 

Destiny: The Legendary Hunter

Destiny: The Legendary Hunter

Video Games · Writers_Ablood


Terrance-Sama strikes again! Arigatou Terrance-Sama.

[A/N : Hey guys. This chapter is Sponsored by Terrance Smith. You can thank him for the double release.]

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex



[A/N : Hey guys. This chapter is Sponsored by Zero1995. You can thank him for the double release.]

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

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