Will he be called Ryan for the rest of story?
The calm, polite voice of Hikaru Kiyomiya cut through Takeshi's uproar like a refreshing breeze, completely ignoring the dramatic display. Hikaru gazed at Ryan with a curious expression, as if the choice of food held some profound significance.
Anime & Comics · ErisNoSeraph
is she from archie series?
Veronica was dressed in a black-and-white outfit. She wore an elegant white silk blouse, paired with a skirt that Claire would undoubtedly say was far too short—similar to the ones Haley liked to wear.
TV · Nathe07
Peter honked his car horn, watching as a few moments later, Felicia stepped out of her house. She gave her cat a gentle nudge with her foot to send it back inside, then shut the door firmly behind her. With a quick glance around, she bounded over to the car, her silver hair bouncing with each step. She slid into the back seat, leaning in to give Peter a light kiss on the cheek before settling in beside Gwen. MJ sat comfortably in the front seat, already buckled in, giving Felicia a small smile.
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
3) Emma Watson: The age difference is not a big deal compared to the mc, in 2008 she would be about 18 years old and the mc would be 15 years old. The main problem so to speak is that she is British and as she is a real person I will not change her nationality as with Pippa a fictional character. But Emma is an actress and Hollywood is in California where the mc lives. So there are ways to make them conzocate or something.
TV · Nathe07
he is gay
"Thorpe," Phil murmured, glaring at the man. He knew him well. They both worked in real estate. Thorpe was his nemesis and sold much more than he did, which allowed him to send his son to a private, prestigious school.
TV · Nathe07
so Riverdale universe too?
"Catch it, Archie!" Andrew shouted, throwing the ball to a red-haired boy.
TV · Nathe07
"Mean, mean, mean!" Haley repeated several times, lightly hitting Andrew, who just laughed. Speed = 100. Damage = 0.
TV · Nathe07
where is freedom unit???
"How could you let a five-year-old climb a four-meter tree...?" Claire asked, looking specifically at Mitchell with a judgmental stare.
TV · Nathe07
More like last week's winner
🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Crimson_Reapr!🏆 (A/N: 👑)
Movies · AlienWarlord
stick with one name
He shrugged internally and refocused on his ramen, leaving Takeshi sputtering incoherent protests while Hikaru shook his head, half resigned, half amused. "What a peculiar group..." Ryan mused, letting a faint smile escape.
Once a mobster, now Masachika Kuze
Anime & Comics · ErisNoSeraph