it works
if only you know
Not that I was expecting shit like that every time I stepped outside my apartment. That would be ridiculous.
Anime & Comics · OrangePanther
no not really have you seen the weird s*** they make it's just some interesting ammo that's it
The blueprints for the bullets the forge downloaded to my head; essentially used an object that is moving at massive velocity, which means it is already containing extremely high energy, and imbuing a goddamned freezing effect with them.
Anime & Comics · OrangePanther
he's thinking he's in the store stop bitching deal with a guy with common f****** sense in the world that f****** lost it deal with it
Given that I was never going to touch syn-food again, who the fuck wants to eat what could be dog meat? It could work.
Anime & Comics · OrangePanther
shut up he makes sense he's an average person in a world that makes zero sense to him shut up
The only thing I could rely on was the Forge and what it provided.
Anime & Comics · OrangePanther
depends how you want to do it man do you want to make it a big spectacle or in a confined space 1 on 1 confirmation big spectacle likes to straight up giant ass portal that looks like it's made of flash or something and obsidian rocks or the guys f****** office as he laughs and glorious victory he thinks then you just f*** it over your decision man have fun with it
yes now time to upgrade you to a f****** five barrel monstrosity or I don't know the f****** 12 barrel nothing survives in that direction
(Images of the guns here)
Video Games · Thelostswordman
just straight up takes a cannon from a f****** Warhammer 40K golden age mining drill or something because Golden age anything besides anything below military is already BFG 10K quantum physics for military though just saying
Mythical weapon gacha coin- BFG10k, etc. (I don't know what weapons will be this tier besides BFG10k, please suggest)
Video Games · Thelostswordman
shotguns all the way in their face
Rare weapon gacha coin- shotguns, pistols, rifles. (Basically normal weapons)
Video Games · Thelostswordman
(Images of the guns here)
reborn with a doom slayer gacha system in final fantasy 7
Video Games · Thelostswordman