nothing changed XD
"YES!, C'mon give me enough RP so I can finally finish the last tech tree!"
Video Games · Jake_Hansel
Nanomachines son!
'Kill the sinners.' The voice says.
Movies · Alekzi
"It's time to start the hunt," said Quinn with a beaming smile.
Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader
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Anime & Comics · ForgottenLife
The "HE-MAN"
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Anime & Comics · Yukki_Sensei
This is gold
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Anime & Comics · Early3rd
being proficient in using weapions in both arms at the same time and not loosing effectiveness in battle is difficult tbh
Some commanders and soldiers came out to watch the boy and Lomas fight. Lomas picked a tourney sword while the boy picked two. That sent some muttering through the crowd. It's very hard to dual wield. It's a gift reserved for the progidies.
Mercenary (Asoiaf)
Book&Literature · Ash_D_Born