Melba_Olazo_Bacani - Profile


female LV 10

simple, positive

2020-03-20 Unido Philippines

Emblemas 8

Moments 35


being thruthful, always get good karma.

The tears Ning Xi had been holding in up till now were falling hard and silently. Each tear drop bore the trauma that had never left her for the past five years...

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Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband

Urban · Jiong Jiong You Yao


Oh Lu, you're really amazing. So sweettttt.

"The person I like doesn't need to possess anything or be good at anything as long as I like you," said Lu Tingxiao.

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Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband

Urban · Jiong Jiong You Yao


zhuang should tell the thruth about ning xi.

"I still think there's something fishy about Ning Xi being shunned out of the Ning family. In fact, it might be related to that adopted daughter..." Meng Linlang muttered, then she asked, "What's the elder planning to do? Are we going to accept her as kin? Then, the Ning family made a poor judgment and can't differentiate good from the bad. It's fine if we don't know, but we can't just sit back and not care even we do!"

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Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband

Urban · Jiong Jiong You Yao


I'm sure that Zhuang Liaoyuan was dissappointed because of Ning Xi's attire.

Ning Xi recognized Zhuang Liaoyuan as well but it was not appropriate to talk to him at that time, so she looked down and pretend to not know him.

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Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband

Urban · Jiong Jiong You Yao


Ning Xi, you're awesome🥵

A loud gunshot echoed throughout the place, as her aim met its mark and blood flowed out of the bald man’s forehead.

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Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband

Urban · Jiong Jiong You Yao


ohh, i love you too Lu💗

Lu Tingxiao’s face changed from cold ice to tipsy mist, but his eyes, dark as the night, were clear and bright. His cool voice was like raindrops falling into a deep pool: "I have never done anything that I’m uncertain about, but this time, I did.

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Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband

Urban · Jiong Jiong You Yao


Ning Xi, I envy you🤩🤩🤩

With a ding, a sparkling ring… fell onto the white porcelain plate in front of her…

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Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband

Urban · Jiong Jiong You Yao


Mars, you always have different thoughts. So sad about it😪

Meanwhile, Mars, who saw Emmelyn in tears, could only press his chest and take a deep breath. He thought Emmelyn was sad because her plan to kill the queen with poisoned pie had failed.

The Cursed Prince

The Cursed Prince

Fantasy · Missrealitybites


you're very special, Miss Xi😍

"Pu…" Hearing this, Ning Xi was stunned, and she looked at Lu Tingxiao in pure disbelief. "Lu Tingxiao, you asked your company lawyer who frequently deals with billion-dollar financial lawsuits to help me solve my tiny eight million yuan case?"

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Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband

Urban · Jiong Jiong You Yao


it's not good to say words you yourself doesn't really know.

Lu Tingxiao looked very serious, and replied as if he was answering an extremely important question: "No, everyone has their own way of living, and they have things they don’t want anyone else to know. People who don’t know the truth have no right to stand on a high pedestal and punish or denounce other people."

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Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband

Urban · Jiong Jiong You Yao


i believe in this... " justice always prevail".

After saying that, she logged onto Weibo and put up a post on her official account. Of course it wasn’t an apology, like Chang Li wanted, but just one phrase: Clean hands need no washing.

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Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband

Urban · Jiong Jiong You Yao


Li Ren Xin, I salute you.

"I don't think you have what it takes to look after a project," Li Ren Xin said. "From tomorrow onwards, you will report to Manager Yan as his assistant. Until I decided that you are good enough to return as a project manager, you will stay as Manager Yan's assistant and learn from him."

Loving You Too Much

Loving You Too Much

Urban · zetsubouaichan


Zhang Yu Han, you're truly a gentleman😘😘😘😘

Zhang Yu Han took a deep breath to calm down. Of course... in front of his future mother-in-law, Zhang Yu Han was planning to protect his image.

Loving You Too Much

Loving You Too Much

Urban · zetsubouaichan

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