"SD, Attack mode: Seek and Destroy," Jaden commanded.
TV · TheManUnderTheBed
"No one else within our price range would accept the job, do you job Star Prince!" The man shouted before cutting off the communication between them, Jaden cringed when he used his Bounty Hunter name. Even though it was only a few years ago he'd thought it was such an amazing name at the time... until someone actually used it for the first time.
TV · TheManUnderTheBed
Remember and get on my case when i dont write.
Movies · DodgyWriter
Torterra's nostrils flared and air escaped, then returned with a hiss.
Movies · MyQuietPlace
Reminds me of this scene from the first Monsterverse movie Godzilla
Shaking off the ashes, they saw the dead and broken body of the creature that had saved their lives more than once. He was lying on his right shoulder, and half of his body was under the ground. His eyes were closed, but his mouth was open and filled with earth.
Movies · MyQuietPlace
Actually seven, one activated before these six above the previous paragraph
Mistaken Identity || Star Wars Fic
TV · TheManUnderTheBed