
male LV 4


2020-02-24 Unido Germany
Emblemas 5

Moments 53
5 months ago

Thanks for the chapter. Are you gonna continue the reincarnated as a dragonewt story someday? Because I discovered it while looking at your Storys and really liked it, especially because there aren‘t many similar fanfictions like that one, so with the potential of your story that the First few chapters showed, it could become quite popular if you decide to continue it

1 years ago

Great chapter. I Hope you continue to Post new chapters without stopping. If you think about dugu bo‘s partly/mostly solved poison Problem and new cultivation method, he should reach Title douluo very soon (1-2 years). I Hope you give him a 100k Spirit Ring somehow which would make him far stronger than Canon and could directly give him Another Level because of the Huge Spirit Power it carries. With the solved poison problem and the cultivation method, he could then Progress even more to a super douluo (Level 95-98, if I’m Not wrong) and become a feared powerhouse because of his deadly aoe poison attacks due to which even attacks with high numbers of people would be useless and only backfire. Not to mention the Risk of dying from his poison, even if you are Able to beat him can make people fearful of provoking him which would also Protect the Mc, even if he shows his Talent because noone would attack him because of possible consequences. But please don‘t take any offense, no matter if you use my idea or not, I will still read your Story because it is very promising and interesting

1 years ago
Replied to Nevermindthename

Maybe cause his father is quite strong now and they don‘t need to hide as much. I mean dugu bo will probably reach title douluo in max 1-2 years because of his partly/mostly solved poison problem and his new cultivation technique which Made his cultivation Speed Rapid. In addition he could Maybe aim for a 100k Spirit Ring which would make him far stronger and then Progress even Further (Not to mention that the 100k Ring could give him another Level directly) to become an absolute nightmare to Battle because if you Hope to beat him with numbers, that would only backfire because of his aoe poison attacks which will make everyone fearful of fighting him because of the risks it has for them

1 years ago
Replied to Ghkt14

The problem of the chidori as far as i know ist that it gives you tunnel vision and the only way to work around that is the sharingan. Purple lightning is basically just a better version of lightning which negates all drawbacks of things Like chidori while being more controllable. Of course it should be something that requires extreme mastery of lightning because almost no one possesses stronger versions of lightning except very few people from kumo who are known for specialising in thunder jutsu since the founding of the village

Then his next goal was developing Chidori into Purple lightning. No way he was going to expend more chakra for Sharingan.

Naruto: I am Kakashi-sensei!

Naruto: I am Kakashi-sensei!

Anime & Comics · SuperDemon

1 years ago
Replied to Madao420

Nope, kushina will get the probably get the kyuubi as she has the special chakra required to seal it in Herself and it would be a necessary boost to make her reach as far as possible in terms of power as it gives a massive boost (Naruto had a giant boost after getting and mastering kuramas power)

Kagutsuchi replied with a determined expression, "Yes. After all, the Uzumaki clan's sealing techniques are the best. Therefore, it is only fitting that the tailed beasts should be sealed within members of the Uzumaki clan. It is also your task to select eight individuals who are capable of having a tailed beast sealed within them."

Uzumaki Fire God

Uzumaki Fire God

Anime & Comics · Hkj

1 years ago

Yes. You can even portray him as a symbol of worship and a goal to strive for, if you add him to Their earlier history. Or at least let him make connections with highranking people who know him so that he can do more things, like taking a teaching position during one of harrys school years for example, as an arc before the main events in avengers begin.

Este livro foi excluído.
1 years ago
Replied to Brokedepressed

That‘s a good idea as it would make them see him in a better light Because as far as I know, before joining akatsuki, the only thing he did that was not good was leaving the village. As long as he doesn‘t make an enemy out of the nations and helps in the big battles at the end of the war like in canon, he will be seen as one of the two Heroes and could do what he wants, either going back to konoha or travelling (I like travelling better, where he learns many things and grows stronger while visiting other villages until boruto, if you continue the story that far)

1 years ago
Replied to The_Essence_

As far as i understand, each permanent copied quirk still takes one of his copy slots, but doesn‘t need any hair anymore or has a time limit after which he needs to update it with the hair. And One for all everytime that time is up, the stockpile would vanish because the next time he updates his copy of one for all, it would be a new one and the old one still Vanishes. Until it is permanent, it wouldn‘t be of any use and i think his first permanent quirk wasn‘t one for all but another one, which would explain why he thinks high spec is more important, because his memorys are disappearing right now and he can always take one for all next year

" That's true, especially because you can't use All Might's quirk without making it permanent, all the stockpiling is gone once it disappears, you might as well take super regeneration. "

MHA: Carbon Copy

MHA: Carbon Copy

Anime & Comics · ImagineMaker

1 years ago

Does she really love him or is it just manipulation by either fate or something like a love potion?