female LV 3

I dunno I'm a gamer and i love to read i guess. My friends call me the Justice Soul (you know, the yellow soul from Undertale)

2020-02-18 Unido United States
Obras originais
Emblemas 5

Moments 1
3 years ago

10 outta 10 would recommend. please read this people- it's amazing- it has sad moments and scary moments as well. so give it a go, i promise you that you will be asking for more later.[img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]

  • Queen of Mean -A DescendantsTale Story original

    Queen of Mean -A DescendantsTale Story


    This is something I started and wanted to share with y'all here. Audrey is a villain and is an oc of mine like most of the characters in this story, the only characters that aren't exactly ocs are the Dreemurrs minus the MC and the other Undertale characters.

    5 Chs 13 Coleções

  • The Demon Sorceress original

    The Demon Sorceress


    This story is about a young sorceress named Loki Keket Morana, otherwise known as The Demon Sorceress. She has an undead demon pet that is a cross between a snake and a dragon. Explore the world of Sympathios through the eyes of the Demon Sorceress and see how the world changes. -------- "Missstrisss, you have a visssitor." Dolion, my undead demon pet, says. "Who is it that wishes to see me?" I ask, with a slight grin. "Hisss Royal Highnesss, The Prince of Sympathios." Dolion hisses. "Ah. Let him in, I wish to see this so called Prince." I whisper sweetly to Dolion. The doors to my throne room in my tower open and in walks the Prince of Sympathios, Prince Anwir, himself. "Demon Sorceress, it's nice to finally meet you." Prince Anwir says, bowing before me. ----- If you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed the little sample I made for you. Go see the world of Sympathios for yourself!

    13 Chs 21 Coleções

  • The Ice Siblings original

    The Ice Siblings


    This is a story about me and my friends but in a fantasy type story, the characters are based on the real us (sorta) but we then change into the people we want to be.

    32 Chs 10 Coleções

  • Neko Maid Asa and her Master original

    Neko Maid Asa and her Master

    Fantasy ROMANCE R18

    Author:I've been bored and can't talk to someone I care deeply about recently because of my lack of having a smartphone or tablet so I kind of let my mind wander and so I made a Neko Maid oc. Letting my brain wander even more I ended up thinking up a story. Just be warned, if this story was a movie it would be rated R. There's gonna be a series called "Neko Maid" and each Neko maid is different from the next. They're all treated differently. This is just the beginning! Enjoy!! ---------- Dear Diary, My name is Asa Eikko Mikki, age 19, and I am a neko girl. I've worked for Master as his only maid ever since we were 15 years old. I've lived in Master's castle ever since we were both babies. My mother, Eikko Asami Mikki, was also a neko maid for Master's father and mother before they all died 4 years ago. Master blames me for his parents deaths, but has no grief for my dead mom, whom I miss dearly. He fired all the other maids but kept me and I've no idea why. The only people who remain are the butlers who've been coming and going for the past four years. They change every year. Oh, you're probably wondering about my father, he died before I was born, according to my mom, he was a kind and loving man, he loved mom so much, when he found out mom was pregnant for me, he loved me too. Mom was sad when he died before he even got to meet me, but she managed to be happy for me up until her untimely death. Master hates me very much and has his cousin punish me daily for things I never heard of or for things I didn't do. Master used to be gentle and kind but now he's empty and cold. I'm going to bring him back to his old self! Even if it means dying. - Asa Mikki, 2053, April 3rd I sigh and set down my pen, closing my diary. My ears twitch as I hear the bell coming from Master's rooms. "I do hope he doesn't wish to have me punished... it is my birthday after all..." I say, leaving my small, dark, and dusty room.

    4 Chs 34 Coleções

  • Jezabelle and her undying love for her Pokémon original

    Jezabelle and her undying love for her Pokémon

    Video Games

    “Lucario rio lucar car cario!” Rio says with excitement. “Alright alright. I’ll be down in a moment. Let me just wake up Dove first.” I say, walking over to my desk where Dove, my Unfezant, is sleeping. I smile and pet Dove to wake her up. “Unfezant!” Dove coos, stretching her wings and flying over to my shoulder. “Fezant!” Dove ruffles her feathers and rubs her head against my cheek. “Morning sleepyhead. It’s time to go to the Professor's lab so she can take care of you guys while I’m gone. Unless you want to stay here with mom.” I say, looking at Rio, who is at the top of the stairs, waiting for me. Dove coos, “Unfezant fezant!” ---- Enjoy.

    1 Chs 1 Coleções

  • The Vampire and the Boy original

    The Vampire and the Boy


    Hannah Vampire is an oc I created shortly after I created her on The Sims(TM) 3 This story is by far one of a kind in my own little opinion.

    14 Chs 17 Coleções

  • The Werewolf Witch: Rudina Rieka Bellatrix original

    The Werewolf Witch: Rudina Rieka Bellatrix


    Please support me! This is my first WPC novel and I'm doing the best I can with what I have to work with. I would much appreciate it if you gave me your power stones but you don't have too! Anyway, even after the contest is finished I will still be updating this if it's not finished before the end of the contest! Thanks!

    10 Chs 42 Coleções

  • Demon Or Angel? original

    Demon Or Angel?


    Demons and angels clash together in this amazing novel of evil and good.

    16 Chs 84 Coleções

  • Harry Potter and the Dragon Witch original

    Harry Potter and the Dragon Witch


    Uhm... I have to do this. All the other fanfics are trash. (Not really but ya know) There are mistakes to be found in those stories, but who am I to judge? I hope y'all enjoy my Harry Potter fanfic featuring my main oc, Chara FFWDACD!!! I'm too lazy to type her whole name okay =-=

    3 Chs 45 Coleções

  • Lily Olivia Violette: A Love Story (Discontinued) original

    Lily Olivia Violette: A Love Story (Discontinued)

    Fantasy ROMANCE


    Love is everywhere, it's in the air, and it's inside us. ;) ----- My name is Lily Olivia Violette, but everyone just calls me Love. Yes my initials spell out L.O.V but I don't mind, my parents had me on Valentine's day so of course, they had to make my initials spell out love. My parents, however, died a few years ago to some strange disease called L.O.V.E Kills. I live with my older brother. He's only 20 while I'm 18 and still a senior in high school. I end up falling in love with my best friend.

    1 Chs 0 Coleções

  • Dimension Sixty-nine original

    Dimension Sixty-nine


    WARNING! THIS STORY CONTAINS A LOT OF SPOILERS FOR OTHER STORIES SO READ THOSE FIRST!!!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! [links]( [links]( [links]( Follow Chara as she and her dragon, Nightstalker, run from an old enemy.

    2 Chs 4 Coleções

  • Death Goddess: Omisha Kritanta Aine original

    Death Goddess: Omisha Kritanta Aine


    *NOTE:Picture is what Omisha Kritanta Aine looks like.* *MORE IMPORTANT NOTE:Yes the image is from DreadOut 2 but I liked the outfit design so much that I had to make a character with this outfit design. I would appreciate it if someone made a picture of Omisha Kritanta Aine with the outfit design of the current cover pic.* *SUPER SIDE NOTE:I am aware that her initials spell Oka XD No I did not intentionally do that if that's what you were wondering. Yes I love Yandere Simulator and all the hard work Yandere Dev puts into it* DISCLAIMER:This story is not based on either Yandere Simulator OR DreadOut 2 it is merely a story created in the recesses of my dark and cruel mind. BEWARE FOR THIS IS NO ORDINARY FANTASY ROMANCE STORY! ----- This story is about a girl named Omisha Kritanta Aine, or "Oka" for short, or Krita as her parents call her. She is a girl with incredible power, inside her, lies a dormant Goddess of Death. Krita can see ghosts as well as demons and angels. Join Omisha on her journey to becoming the next Death Goddess in "Death Goddess: Omisha Kritanta Aine"!!

    3 Chs 5 Coleções

  • Flowers Blooming original

    Flowers Blooming


    This is a story about three sisters, all who are named after flowers. Brunnera Gentians Periwinkle is the main character of the story as she is the youngest of the three sisters. She is an albino with blue eyes who is blessed with a beautiful singing voice. Amaryllis Chrysanthemum Marigold is the middle sister. She is blessed with hair as orange as a flame. Clematis Wisteria Lavender is the oldest of the three. She was born blind but blessed with all sorts of magical powers.

    3 Chs 6 Coleções

  • Secretly A Shifter original

    Secretly A Shifter


    This book is about a girl named Chara Dragon Dreemurr and she is secretly a shapeshifter. No one, not even Techna Tiger, knows that Chara is a shapeshifter. I will give you no information about either one of them. Just read and you will learn.

    7 Chs 42 Coleções

  • Flame the Fox Wolf Dragon original

    Flame the Fox Wolf Dragon


    This story is a bit incomplete but I will try to work on it as soon as I can.

    1 Chs 1 Coleções