Draco_Vermiculus - Profile


male LV 4

I really like dragons...

2020-01-21 Unido Global

Emblemas 5

Moments 111

Replied to Benrex777

*loses ten percent of your entire race* "tis but a scratch"

The two of them were fatigued to a dangerous extent. It wouldn't surprise either of them if they were to be seized and dragged away at any moment, but they both refused to go for torpor until the bones of the strategy for tackling the wave had been constructed. The Eldest had been right about this wave. The Colony wasn't the same as it was the last time. There were well over a hundred thousand of them now. They were smarter, stronger, better prepared. If they moved fast, were smart, and gripped this chance tight in their mandibles, they could come out the other end in a far better position than they went in.



Fantasy · RinoZ


I think you meant he sir author

Este número foi suprimido.
Parasyte System

Parasyte System

Fantasy · KJun

Replied to S3ntinel

Crypt TV

ch 578 Turning over a new leaf



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to William_Snyder_7868

there is one I like called Tree of Aeons (an isekai story)

[Because we were able to recognise you for what you were. A traveller from another world, just as she was.]



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to Harley_Chatley


Replied to AllastairDT

1,000 x 10,000 = 10,000,000 golgari children we would have to kill... I don't think they have that many, and if they did then we'd have a problem.

The very thought of the losses suffered by the next generation makes my blood boil and I'm sure every ant in the Colony feels the same. If it weren't for the wave, I'm fairly confident a team would have been launched to chase down the stone people and end them. I'd have gone. Just thinking of the adorable grubs who never managed to reach maturity… I wonder if the Colony will let me retire and become a full time grub tickler? There's a need that I can fill! The grubs deserve only the best tickles!



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to Jay_Crew10

Cough Lyria was an entire kingdom that fell cough

"I thank you for your words," Titus nodded, "I do not know where the Legion will send us next, With this new wave coming so close on the heels of the last one, there will be problems all over Pangera. We defend many remote communities from the Dungeon and our people are stretched thin."



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to blockdog666

but with the colonies insane growth rate by the time they come back again they will be way more prepared. And the wave will give them more biomass and exp and the war should have also given them experience on wars and mabye some exp.

It was a poor attempt at a joke and the more Titus thought about it, the more realistic a scenario it seemed. Watching the expression on her father's face shift from joking to a glum realisation made Morrelia laugh and the knot inside her eased slightly with the release of tension. She had betrayed the Legion, but she believed it had been for the right reasons. With any luck they would never return and the Colony would continue to be peaceful and cooperative with everyone they came across. If so, she would never have to regret too strongly the decision that she had made here.



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to Elder_Cat

Here lies Elder_Cat's last word "𝘓𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘳𝘥" they said that directly to a dragon and it ate him/her we don't know their gender since they were a sentient cat and nothing was left of its body.

"I am not going to do that. What a humiliation. I would rather go hungry than please these weak humans for some bread crumbs." Ataz, as he said this, heard his stomach growl with hunger again, and looking at the cat that was now eating the food, he felt a little envious.

I Became a Necromancer Cat

I Became a Necromancer Cat

Fantasy · Toruu

Replied to Titivillus

well, while we hang them, they don't die from lack of oxygen but starve to death.

Had the wave come early, and he had been worried for some time that it would, he would have ordered his troops back to the base camp already. Orders were orders, but any commander who pushed to complete the mission and got their Legion wiped out would get hanged and deservedly so. Even now there was a chance, a narrowing window in which he would be forced to order the retreat, but it was so slim now that he felt rising confidence that this nest would be purged before time ran out.



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to Ayer12

Tbh I think this is the most angered he has been since Grant died.

RAGE! RAAAAAAGE! That damned worm! How could he do this to us?! After everything we did for him?! He's food. FOOD I TELL YOU! If I ever get my mandibles on that worm I'll feed him to the larvae myself! The mere thought of the brood being destroyed by the golgari makes the mana in my body boil like the lava I'm spitting out of my mouth. He let them in to the egg-laying chamber?! With MOTHER?!



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to Ayer12

well, I mean to an ant who is at most a few weeks to months old he may as well be 200.

"The next time we retreat, we're going to be behind the gate, little one."



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to TheDarkCheese

... maybe headquarters should rename the squad.

The guard could not help roll his eyes. This was just supposed to be a simple task, once again, he was reminded why he didn't like dealing with kids. It wasn't like they were going to be separated for a long time.

Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Fantasy · Romeru

Replied to Tygon

so, the eldest, the queen, and the council whose requirements are to be one of the Anthony's direct students?

It was clear then to the two council members, that outside of the Eldest and possibly the Queen herself, there were none who could hope to stand against individuals as powerful as these two. Indeed, no matter how many tier three ants they were to throw at the two combatants before them, would it really matter? In the face of this kind of condensed might, only an individual of equal strength would suffice. Unless they could cultivate warriors of comparable ability themselves, the casualties they would suffer to bring down these exceptional individuals would be obscene. And who knew? Were creatures such as these two even that rare in the depths?



Fantasy · RinoZ

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