

LV 4
2020-01-19 Unido Global
Emblemas 6

Moments 30
1 months ago
Replied to Daoistz3Y7ws

Thanks a lot

2 months ago
Replied to Darth_Vader_5355

I don't think there is any microtransaction, it is more likely that players can exchange items (money included) and that some players would be willing to sell their ingame currency for real money, thus it becomes possible to "buy" indirectly ingame coins

Even with several people worldwide playing the game, it would probably cost at least a few thousand dollars. So unless the other party was insane, they wouldn't agree to something like this.

Re: Evolution Online

Re: Evolution Online

Fantasy · Yolohy

2 months ago

Hello everyone, I just started reading this novel but I would like access to the discord channel for illustrations but the linked in description is expired. Could someone please give me a non-expired invitation link?

3 months ago

100 + 100 + 87 + 85 = 372 not 461 Either it's a mistake in the number of points or he purchased a fifth spell worth 89 points

Eren had zeroed in on spells named Blitz Steps, Blitzortung, Rayo, and Blitzstrom. They would collectively cost him 461 merit points that would get taken out from his current balance of 1000 merit points.

Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Fantasy · Grayback

5 months ago
Replied to Akisu

'its' not 'it's', in english, 'its' is like 'her', 'their' or 'his', it is a possessive pronoun used for an object, an animal or a 'thing', wathever is not gendered

It doesn't do anything, instead just standing there blankly while the large hole in its chest spurts out blood, as if its heart were still beating. Afton raises a brow and decides to check its health, and gapes at what he sees.

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross

5 months ago

Wait. When he inspected the first proton axe he found, he found out that the axe was less powerfull than Knock Knock, the only reason it was more effective for him was because of his double damage energy weapon Perk. So either there is an error ther, or he gave her a purple proton axe instead of a normal one.

Afton decided that the 'Knock Knock axe' he'd acquired for Camp Searchlight wasn't good enough for the task they had before them. So he granted her a single Proton axe from Big Mt, in addition, she also purchased a full set of Reinforced combat armour.

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross

5 months ago

Honestly great novel and pretty good translation, no need to re-read each sentence 5 times before understanding whatever it xas siupposed to, mean, as is often the case in webnovel translations. Perfectly understandable from start to finish. By the way I already read every published chapter, so... does anyone have a witcher fanfiction to recommand? Somewhere in the novel, in the comments someone recommanded a good one with a sorcerer MC but I forgot to write down the name and I did't find it again sadly.

5 months ago

The repeated mistake of using "it's" instead of "its" is really starting to annoy me to no end...

They continue to fight the residence of BlightTown as they try to reach the bottom, they enter a path leading through another wall and realise that it leads to the bottomless hole they'd started at, looking up they can almost see the beginnings of the Depths. They take enter the fog-gate and come out onto another wooden platform with a ladder beside it. They head down the ladder and come face to face with their first chaos creature, it's body is long and tapers towards it's tail, red charred skin with spider-like legs. The most notable thing about the creature is it's face which is completely enveloped in fire. It spits a whip of fire at them which makes them block it, Solaire retaliates with a lightning bolt and it quickly dies from the newly formed hole. They don't seem that durable which means that can quickly kill them before they start spitting fire everywhere, last thing they need is the whole structure collapsing on them. Reima looks over the side at the swamp and sees giant tree roots running along the area, he only just realises now that this is probably the base of the tree that he saw in Firelink shrine... He knows the area inside of it is called the Great hollow but is unsure about the tree's actual name... Wouldn't surprise him if it was called Yggdrasil.

Elder Blood Witcher

Elder Blood Witcher

Video Games · Niggross

10 months ago

Get dawm.

1 years ago
Replied to Reader_111

That's why he said maybe

'Maybe this is another world…'

Born in Blood

Born in Blood

Fantasy · CovidCandy