In terms of individual size, Yellow's Doduo was also on the larger side. In contrast, in the anime, Gary's Doduo was quite small—almost stunted.
Video Games · Zaelum
The mountain cabin indeed housed an elderly man, an Abra capable of long-distance teleportation, and even an internet-connected computer. Surprisingly, despite the ruins being in such a remote location, they still had internet access—not just in the village but even in the mountain cabin. Yet, there were no visible signal towers nearby.
Video Games · Zaelum
Neville and Oddish will get along.
Oddish is a small, plant-like Pokémon with a round, dark blue body and two tiny feet. It hides underground during the day to avoid sunlight, burying its root-like feet into the soil and remaining motionless.
Video Games · Zaelum
Shaking my head, I squatted down and started pulling the weed out. But the moment I grabbed those three leaves—
Video Games · Zaelum
Sacred Capital... the china of pokemon johto.
The seeds had already sprouted. Generally, seeds take 3 to 10 days to germinate, with warmer climates speeding up the process. Various techniques like soaking, scarification, or using germination enhancers could also accelerate growth. However, the climate here in the Sacred Capital was still a bit cold—not as warm and humid as Hoenn—so germination was slower.
Video Games · Zaelum
Is only fair that he doesn't have any of that curse cleansing item and gets cursed.
Today's task was to visit the Ruins of the Sacred Capital to collect ruin stones. But before heading out, I decided to check on the field.
Video Games · Zaelum
Shauntal? She is a writer.
The talismans were sold out in an instant, bringing in a revenue of 160,000. However, this money would only be credited to my account through the League's platform once the goods were delivered to Unova.
Video Games · Zaelum
Diggle dy Diggle dy
The Diglett were in high spirits as they quickly got to work, plowing the soil with enthusiasm. Dugtrio had brought along over a dozen Diglett, and together, they sang their Diglett song while tirelessly burrowing and tilling the land.
Video Games · Zaelum
Oddly enough, despite Doduo being a Normal/Flying-type Pokémon—meaning it was weak to Ice moves—it didn't seem to mind the cold at all. Perhaps its fluffy feathers provided insulation, or maybe… it was just too fat to feel cold?
Master Craftsman of the Pokémon World
Video Games · Zaelum