Ty for the chap
One of his love interest hopefully
Amazing chap
Is this the beginning of the harem? XD
"I also feel that suddenly, Count, you... look more imposing and handsome, it's hard to look at you directly." As she continued to watch, her face became redder and redder.
Book&Literature · TitoVillar
Estoy de acuerdo con el desconocido
Cuando Yuuma vuelva al mungo H el cual conquistó (para llevarse a Reika y Reina Kurashiki) ¿Debería conquistar al resto de mujeres de esa historia que aparecen en el hentai, incluida a la las mujeres de la familia Tachibana?
Anime & Comics · Culture_Lover
thx for the chapter
thx for the chap
Lann took the cup and drank it in one gulp.
Book&Literature · TitoVillar
DMC: Being a demon hunter in Japan is not easy
Anime & Comics · KevDest11