

female LV 15

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2019-09-16 Unido United States
Emblemas 18

Moments 3
1 years ago

why does this feel like "The time I got reincarnated as a slime" With similar names to those characters just with the added Orb (Shinju) lol don't get me wrong I love it and I also want to see Shinju's human form. It's really interesting especially Shinju's personality hehe

1 years ago
Replied to Thormented

Her reasoning is because he protected her even though they haven't known each other for that long even without his memories. Gu (Xia) Rouyan trusted the wrong person in her last life that she had known since they were young but he betrayed her. So with Ye Baby (gonna call Qianbei Ye that for now) protecting her like that without his memories is a wonderful thing even us as humans will not do that because it's human nature. We will not do that for any stranger that we met don't get me wrong there are some rare compassionate humans that would but majority won't. EVEN if this isn't real it shows the Author has a very creative mind and is willing to go beyond the box as most characters wouldn't be developed like this and there are some other characters that doesn't trust others that easily or at all and I like them as well too but for me to like them it depends on how the Author develops them as well. I am loving this Author and there are more that I love for their development of characters.

2 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola