The older man raised a hand to stop him. "Don't," he said, his voice firm yet warm. "You are a friend, boy. And friends don't stand on ceremony. Besides, I'm only Lord Mormont in the absence of Lady Lyanna Mormont."
Anime & Comics · FrenzyAren
"Witch, I didn't say it's abnormal."
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🚨Insert Black Cat (Felicia Sara Hardy) GIFs/PICs here - Most Likes comment will win 🚨
Anime & Comics · Kazuma_trash
"Everyone, we must be vigilant. The Dark Lord Voldemort is also back!"
Movies · GarudaTranslation
What about making movies?
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It exist if you believe in it.
On the other hand, his freeze breath could reach -600°.
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"Is he black? Cause I can't see him," Alexei said with a grin.
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After all, Jiraiya was a taijutsu master in his own right!
My Journey as Fourth Kazekage
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