Any chance for an update soon? :)
probably spatial
The key to pushing past the boundary for her sixth sense was special awareness. Like her sword domain which allows her to have a key understanding of her surroundings when using her sword, grasping the feeling of pushing past the boundary was special awareness of this 'dimension'.
Fantasy · Reili
cinnamon translates to "canela" which is a portuguese word used both for the spice and for the lower leg (between the knee and the ankle) so it means this: - white maid's dress that went down past the knees, embroidered in gray color -
Nero evaluated the ruler who wore a white maid's dress up to the cinnamon, embroidered in gray color. She found the housekeeper pleasant. She said, "Nice to meet you."
Fantasy · Lruska
It was lost in translation, he meant to say the pain subsided a little
However, she was already used to the pain... a while later, she ran out of pain a little, although she still feels pain; she was not as strong as before. It's a good thing she had her Cell Regeneration ability, it came into effect once again; helping her relieve the pain she was feeling at that moment.
Fantasy · Lruska
Enter -> Entre (portuguese) which could also be translated as "in between" looks like something google translator would do
"Between my beloved daughter."
Fantasy · Lruska
crashing -> cracking
"Mm... it feels like I slept for a decade." Nero thought out loud while stretching. Sounds of bones crashing were heard.
Fantasy · Lruska
"a story for an ox to sleep" is a portuguese idiom that roughly means the story is bullshit ;)
Seeing as they've been mute. Choko and they were convinced they were just lying. In fact, they already imagined that it was all a story for an ox to sleep. That they were really lying when I said it was all about a theater story they saw.
Fantasy · Lruska
"...arm themselves against me." | V "...scheme against me"
"That pair of father and son tried to arm themselves against me." Nero said bluntly, "This younger boy wanted to pretend to be my fiancé when I woke up. What do you think I should do with them?"
Fantasy · Lruska
"Idiot. You think I'm going to trust someone who was armed to someone who was unconscious!?" - Which translates to: "Idiota. Você acha que vou confiar em alguém que estava armando contra alguém que estava inconsciente" - Which properly translates back to: "Idiot. You think I'd trust someone who was scheming against an unconscious person"
Nero grabbed the glass, after drinking, she mocked, "Idiot. You think I'm going to trust someone who was armed to someone who was unconscious!?"
Fantasy · Lruska
Lust's Game: Gotta Lewd Them All(Hiatus)
Fantasy · LustLover