Sky8277 - Profile



female LV 14


2019-07-07 Unido Canada

Emblemas 20

Moments 258



As Marshall cried out in pain, experiencing a level of torment he had never imagined, Raylen nonchalantly said, "If you decide to grow your nails next time, there's a simple trick to make them longer. Just let them grow for a while, and then the skin grows along with them, and viola!" 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


" My own DEMISE " not devices

Nora smiled at the man, reminding herself that it was not this man's fault that he was too curious. But even so, she answered, "No. Thankfully, he has left me to my own devices."

Husband With Benefits

Husband With Benefits

Urban · har_k


I knew Chris was gay. He kept denying it 😒

Seeing that they're finally home, Chris went out and greeted them. He helped them carry the things inside and left, not wanting to disturb the lovers and their date but he frowned when he saw David's car still parked outside. 'Why is this still here? Didn't he leave already?' he told himself, feeling worried that something has happened to him. He wanted to come back inside and asked Stefan but he gave up the idea and decided to call the Wang's home phone instead. It was what David used for his business. 'Did I hurt him with my words earlier? It was very careless of me. That man is surely sensitive.' He thought while waiting for someone to pick up. And when it did, he didn't know why, but he felt a little bit disappointed that it was the butler who picked up the phone. He talked to the butler for few minutes and after confirming that David was alright, he ended the call and went to his own and lonely apartment.

She's My Sleeping Pill

She's My Sleeping Pill

Urban · _frieyaVida


I am so confused. Is this from another book? it's just doesn't add up .

"We should get closer now, after all, we're going to be in-laws soon."



Urban · Grace_Kylie_6044


Half brother, not step brother.

If his mother didn't conceive him, Magnus wouldn't bring him home. Clara wouldn't know that her husband was cheating on him. Alexander wouldn't have a step brother. Alexander wouldn't die. Everything happened because he exists.

She's My Sleeping Pill

She's My Sleeping Pill

Urban · _frieyaVida


Sit down

"Fine." She dropped her phone back in her silver bag and went to seat down.

Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Urban · BaeVida


"His arms across THEIR shoulders "

"So i got news for you ladies" He said as he sat between both ladies before putting his arms across there shoulders.

When You Are Mine

When You Are Mine

Urban · Da_Rose


Who's Hana? This is the second time I have seen this name 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

The crowd made Hana blush but Stefan was nonchalant with the attention they got. He's used to people prying on his love life but this time, he didn't want to drag Cayenne's name with his. He didn't want anyone to know about the woman that he treasured the most. He was worried that being with him would disturb her normal life.

She's My Sleeping Pill

She's My Sleeping Pill

Urban · _frieyaVida


" He isn't scared of anyone "

"Don't underestimate Caleb," Yasmin cautioned him. "He knows that Declan is my husband. Yet he has not stopped following me, and now he tries to stain me. His family has a political background. He doesn't scare of anyone."

Accidentally Married To Mr. Billionaire

Accidentally Married To Mr. Billionaire

Urban · Angelica2511


"His sister "

"I already cooked breakfast. Make sure to eat before you leave for work." Kyle reminded her sister.

She's My Sleeping Pill

She's My Sleeping Pill

Urban · _frieyaVida


" The black girl," wow, author, I am sure you wouldn't say that about a white or Asian character 🤔

He pulled her down and watched as the bus drove away. The drive was the longest drive she had ever had in her life, which was an exaggeration! They'd been on the bus for three hours and it was noon already, the black girl was starving. If only she knew Mr Ken wasn't ready that morning she'd have eaten something before leaving the house.

A Must Bond

A Must Bond

Fantasy · Lee_Grace


Divorcee or divorced woman. A widow means her spouse is dead.

Anne ran to the park to calm down, she didn't expect to receive such treatment from Jack at all, someone she had known so well for one and a half years. During her stay in England, Anne had no other friends because she felt that she was not easy to get along with, especially with her painful past. It was not easy for her to trust people again. Since Jack came into her life, she had no idea why it was easier for her to share all of her complaints with that cold man. Anne felt that Jack was different from most people who wouldn't care about anything. That was why she started telling him about his past little by little until she told him about her status who was the widow of Leonardo Ganke. One of the most successful young entrepreneurs today in Germany.

I'll Teach You, Marianne.

I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Urban · nafadila


For some reason, I have a funny feeling about Christopher Keane.

Christopher Keane walked toward her. "Kim" he said. "I can't tell you how happy I am to see that you are back.. And safe.. We have all been worried sick. Welcome back, dear"



Fantasy · Whendhie


He sure likes touching her nose 👃 😂

"Even an ugly daughter-in-law should meet her in-laws. You're not even ugly, come to think of it." He gently touched her nose, with teasing affection evident in his eyes.

Enthralled By Love

Enthralled By Love

Urban · Silent_V1ctim


I think Hayden opened up that school just for her 😍

Taking some risk paid off very well today. I haven’t landed a job yet but for the first time I had found a job opportunity that fit with what I was looking for. A part time job that was related to art. On top of that, I would get to teach children. It should be a lot of fun. This should help energize me and keep my mind off Hayden too.

Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion R18

Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion R18

Urban · Realfantasies


POSSESSION not position

She will only bring one pouch to the town and sell the gold nuggets in gradual manner to avoid alerting bad people. Once bad people know that she has lots of gold in her position they might rob her, putting her life and her family in danger.

Hot Romance With The Vampire

Hot Romance With The Vampire

Fantasy · Lizabelle88

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