

male LV 15

Writer, reader, student. Have to prioritize being a student for now, but plan to keep a few releases for my stories each week

2019-06-18 Unido United States
Obras originais
Emblemas 25

Moments 2570
54 minutes ago
Replied to Hippster

don't forget the whole reason that issue happened was because of the clashing of 2!!! love potions. One was from Romilda for Harry, the other was Lavendar's love potion for Ron. Also I wish we saw more of Hermiones side since she was mostly separated from Harry and Ron, cause the way Lavander acted implied she had some sort of vendetta against Hermione and I was always curious about what had happened for that to occur

The girl was Lavender Brown, a fellow Gryffindor. In the original story, she eventually had a relationship with Ronald and tragically died at the hands of the werewolf Fenrir Greyback.

Hogwarts' White Lord

Hogwarts' White Lord

Book&Literature · HornyFBI

4 hours ago

First to the bottom of the bottle brothers!

4 hours ago
Replied to LeCat69

Democracy is just a softer, more shadowed tyranny. At least the Emperor truly loves us all to protect and save our souls while damning himself to eons of torment upon the throne 😏

15 hours ago

also first to the bottom, and thanks for the hardworking m8!

15 hours ago

Oh so he is collecting the side pieces 😏 fair enough I guess, afterall he's gotta sow them Merlin seeds for the next generation 🤣


The girl was Lavender Brown, a fellow Gryffindor. In the original story, she eventually had a relationship with Ronald and tragically died at the hands of the werewolf Fenrir Greyback.

Hogwarts' White Lord

Hogwarts' White Lord

Book&Literature · HornyFBI

15 hours ago
Replied to Beast_eye

goes to show the dude existed during our time but was either still recovering his self identity (creating the 1 from the 100) or just didn't care about mankind and was busy conducting research (only growing to care about us when his research either stagnated or realizing we were what was needed to drive his research forward, and so created the Thunder warriors and began his ascension)

Herella would listen with delight, always wondering how Hades knew such fascinating and peculiar tales.

Warhammer 40K: I Don’t Want to Be a Tin Can!

Warhammer 40K: I Don’t Want to Be a Tin Can!

Book&Literature · Read_and_Chill

18 hours ago


I'll be honest, I'm a Chaos fan. (Of course, the protagonist is from the Imperium.)

Warhammer 40K: I Don’t Want to Be a Tin Can!

Warhammer 40K: I Don’t Want to Be a Tin Can!

Book&Literature · Read_and_Chill

22 hours ago
Replied to Hexylen

why she acting like a cat?

If I had to choose a word to describe Mortarion seriously, I'd choose "rebel." Mortarion is the embodiment of rebellion, which inevitably led to his eternal conflict with his "father," the symbol of "power and rule."

Warhammer 40K: I Don’t Want to Be a Tin Can!

Warhammer 40K: I Don’t Want to Be a Tin Can!

Book&Literature · Read_and_Chill

22 hours ago
Replied to dleeh



A blue figure chuckled. Wait, was there truly no audience?

Warhammer 40K: I Don’t Want to Be a Tin Can!

Warhammer 40K: I Don’t Want to Be a Tin Can!

Book&Literature · Read_and_Chill

  • Conquest of the Lich King original

    Conquest of the Lich King


    What happens if everything you've been told has been nothing more than a lie? What happens when you become the nightmare that they all fear? What will you do to set yourself free? Eric has only just taken his first steps unto his new path, but he must come to quick terms with the hidden secrets that the lords of all don't want to be known. Can he overcome the lies that chain him down, and that hounds him whenever he takes a step closer to the truth, to the freedom, to where God has gone? Or will he just become another corpse buried six feet under? Or will he become the corpse that rises into the heavens? Only the fates know, and time will be able to tell us, for the world is changing and war is coming, and darkness is descending.

    24 Chs 41 Coleções

  • Divine Demon God original

    Divine Demon God


    Magic, Cultivation, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Alchemy, Pill Concoction, Forgery, Enchantment, Glyphs writing, Ruin casting. Different names for similar methods, yet with different results. What could give people such great power? It's the Divinity. The connection between everything both alive and not alive. A rock has a divinty as thin as a strand of hair, a human as thick as the pinky, a demon as wide as a man's shoulders, an angel a span of creek, and a god as extravagant as raging river. But how does one achieve divinity, how does one become immortal and powerful enough to do as they please? Again there are many ways, yet none are as powerful as the path of the Divine One. Follow Hunter on his journey of becoming the Divine Demon God and showing the world that fate is never truly set in stone. Hey everyone this is my first work so I do apologize for how it turns out, I look forward to the guidance and questions left in the comments and will do all I can to release as many chapters quickly, however the college life is rough and so I can't promise chapter releases every day, let alone every week. I am excited though so I will be working hard on this story in all the spare time I can. The first few chapters maybe a little boring as I'm using it to set up character backstories and overall story building, but I promise the action and adventure will all pick up as the story goes. This is a mix of both Western and Eastern fantasy, with a little spin of course. Also I have a general outline of how I want the story to go, but I will be looking at comments and seeing what you guys are wanting to happen and may incorporate some of those wants into the story. (If I do I'll give a shout out to the person who gave the idea at the end of the chapter, gotta always pay tribute to where the ideas come from.) This is a fictional story, names used in the story have no intentional connection to people in real life. Locations on Earth will be used, however they will not be entirely accurate so do not use this for planning any trips or vacations. Locations not located on Earth, in the story, are fictional and also have no intentional connection to any place in real life. I hope you enjoy, and I'm always gladly accepting constructive criticism. P.S. This is also an original work, so no Translations. English is my first language, however we're all human so I do apologize for any mistakes or errors.

    38 Chs 39 Coleções