JamieHamAndEggs - Profile


male LV 4
2019-04-08 Unido Global

Emblemas 5

Moments 77


So, a 50% income tax, while the only income dragons make is by breathing, a 0% wealth tax on their massive hoards, and a 0% capital gains tax on the stuff the get for ransoming princesses?

As for the 50% tax rate, it might seem brutal, but don't forget that the only citizens in this place were Dragons. We all knew about the Legendary Dragons hoard, but it wasn't even targeted at that, but the Aether Crystals produced by Dragons in a month. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario


"The USD may only be backed with words, but those words are backed with nuclear weapons." -Gandhi

Este livro foi excluído.


Sayre immediately transfigured the rod into some weird red spear which flew towards the charms professor so quickly that it was barely more than a red blur. The professor created a shield that the spear somehow broke through, but it gave enough time for Flitwick to dodge it. However, this was the opening that Sayre needed to banish him outside the stage.

Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr


Aztec xianxia, where you grow stronger by devouring the corpses of your defeated enemies, is the only TRUE dog eat dog world.

Limitation 4: This world is ruthless, dog eat dog in the truest sense. There will be no mercy or pity. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario



Misery tilted his empty bottle over with a devilish smile. "You're out of luck. If what we planned was gonna be hard mode, then we're gonna enter impossible mode." 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario



I suddenly dodge a steel spike coming at me. So, the guy wants to play dirty, huh. I dodge the next one and I close my eyes. Suddenly, time seemed to slow down. I jump over the incoming spikes, using them to propel myself in the air, jumping from one spike to another. When I'm nearing Apocalypse, I create a giant portal in front of the spikes. The portal exits just at the back of En Sabah Nur who noticed my counter and conjured his force field to protect himself from his own attack.

Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr



Jean decided to retaliate by simple grabbing him from the neck. She didn't actually lower herself to touch the abomination; she simply used her powers to do so. The act amused her and seemed somewhat familiar. Had she done this before? No, it was something else. An image of a man with a black suit and a mask appeared in her mind for a fraction of a second. It disappeared just as quickly, so Jean decided to think about it later; she had a bug to deal with.

Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

Replied to Daoist43gAdS

They are roughly as difficult to get as 3$. Your average noob could likely get a bronze coin every 20 or so minutes, an elite player a silver every 2 hours, and the 1% of the 1% could get maybe a gold coin an hour.

The AI then matched those with similar prices and bids together. If you input your desire to purchase 300 silver worth at a price point of $295.5 per coin, and the closest to that would be someone offering to sell 500 silver at a price point of $298.0, after a given period of time had passed, the AI would automatically redeem it for you. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

Replied to Daoist43gAdS

1 bronze is 3$ meaning 2000 platinum is 6 billion$. This is a free floating currency exchange meaning that the price is whatever price has equal numbers of people wanting to trade both ways. If 1 bronze was 2$ more people would want to buy than sell, pushing prices up. If 1 bronze was 4$ more people would want to sell than buy, pushing prices down.

The AI then matched those with similar prices and bids together. If you input your desire to purchase 300 silver worth at a price point of $295.5 per coin, and the closest to that would be someone offering to sell 500 silver at a price point of $298.0, after a given period of time had passed, the AI would automatically redeem it for you. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario



The panther simply stood there, dumbfounded, lost, and aggrieved, like a certain beautiful senator who had seen her husband kill kids, then that same husband tried to choke her to death. Just like her the panther lost its will to live and collapsed in a heap. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario



This dispersed Eva's attack with ease, making her sigh. The Celestial Beauty became serious once more as she manifested a throne of holiness and sat on it. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario



"What's the name of the game?"

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario



Justin Davis cursed under his breath and spoke with a dangerous glint. "My name is Polikson Jukovic. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario


So, if Prince William is King, why were people singing God Save the Queen? Did Queen Elizabeth abdicate, but reveal herself as an immortal deity, and so people still worship her more than the actual Monarch?

In one of the chairs sat the current King of England, William Arthur Philip Louis. He was an aged man at 83 years this year, 2065. He was still abiding in the middle of his head and his hair on the sides had greyed out. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

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