thought it'd be fun Also, i thought yan was a woman before the voicelines were added
Well, if you're talking about the skill, like Sophie's four hit combo, then yes.
Bro I was legit just as torn as you were when I dropped the novel, but I had two reasons for doing it. One, I knew that this novel could continue for +1000 chapters with ease, and I could not hope to spend one hour every day for this. Two, I'm actually working on my own books, which I'm planning on publishing traditionally. Still, I'm sorry to have disappointed you like this.
nope lol
No, just an average person named Mei.
Mei saw someone who she could use and be used by, someone who could protect her from the dangers of the Backstreets.
Urban · Tiphereth
I have not thought of handing the story down to anyone. Basically, anyone who wants to continue the story or create fanfiction of it, they are free to do so!
Thanks for liking my work! I've been trying to write standalone novels ever since, and man it really is a lot more difficult now that I don't have the worldbuilding assistance from the project moon universe
The Impurity's Ascension
Urban · Tiphereth