Theon Greyjoy, naked and bound to a chair, was revealed inside the closet, his mouth gagged, face pale, and tears streaming down his cheeks as he watched the scene.
TV · Master4thWall
A dragon—a golden dragon—hovered overhead, large wings flapping slowly.
TV · Master4thWall
Caroline sighed, rubbing her temples. "Max, you are literally built like a cartoon character. Your boobs defy the laws of physics. I swear, if the world were fair, you'd be tipping over constantly."
TV · UnknownMaster
The last 20 million was spent on Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. Since John finished the series in 3rd season so there was a romance between Oliver and Felicity. John just removed Oliver's memory of his child as that memory might influence him. John who was sitting in the family room with Emma while operating the system from his mind suddenly asked her
Movies · thelightedghost
Death of the Endless DC comics. She's literally the cosmic embodiment of Death.
I shake my head softly… "Perhaps, but men have ascended to the heights of god slaying, and even if I can't stop a god, I like to believe I may make a goddess pause and conquer her with a good lay…and we all know death is a woman no matter what some stories say." I reply to Bekah almost playfully as I sling my arm over her shoulders and give her a hug and a kiss against her temple.
TV · Shane_Town
he's about to Age
Chapter 28 Problems On The Other Side
Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All
And what better way to sell that image than by embodying elements of both a devil and an angel? The showmanship of his first appearance would be just as important as his actual strength.
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
(Guaranteed destruction of the universe at your hands upon 100% completion. Unlocks world-line travel without system guidance in the end.)
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
[Alice Cullen]→
Movies · Beans_on_a_tree
She didn't want to, but at the same time, she did. In between her gasps, she managed, "Dammit… It's all your fault, brother," she whimpered in a trembling voice as she passionately kissed him back, her body still trembling with the aftereffects of her earlier orgasm.
Game of Thrones: Reign of the Dragonking
TV · Master4thWall