

male LV 11


2019-02-26 Unido United States
Emblemas 13

Moments 221
1 years ago

Actually funnily the rest of Westeros is really big on the bones of thier family if they die while not at thier castle

"We don't go to the grave, were Valyrians, and we get burnt to ashes." Smart ass.

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature · Pretending_Author

1 years ago

I mean when I don’ hang out with people for long periods of time I get depressed so I guess maybe

The man was desperate and in depression to an unknown degree and as such quite possibly mentally unstable, no he was, he just didn't show it. 

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003

1 years ago

Like how dogs are for some people they have a job and that’ why they have them

There were tools in a certain sense as any other description of them will be unsuitable, no disposable ones, he was investing in them and was attached to them as one would to their pets. They are far from being risk-free to get either but that didn't change the underlying reason for him having hatched them.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003

1 years ago
Replied to The_Bip_Boop2003

The French are the ones who ruined it

Storing the 3 bright slightly transparent orange and perfectly round eggs in his inventory, his gauntlet not bothering the action. He noticed that they weighed the same as those of gooses. 

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003

1 years ago
Replied to Grilled_Cheese_Cat

Also you probably don’ know what is what do muscles will be what you can see as safe

He wasn't going to touch any of the organs, only the limbs, and muscles surrounding them, those were the ones that interested him. And to be fair… It was kinda all there was to it.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003

1 years ago
Replied to Lazy_Fox111

This makes sense also explains why they would have the more utility focused axe

A glimmer of thoughtfulness danced in Bartimos' eyes as he responded. "Within our vault, I have beheld peculiar artifacts. A skull belonging to a creature resembling a distorted fish, a tablet hewn from an oily, obsidian-like stone. I dare not touch it, lest I invite a curse upon myself," he confessed, his voice carrying the weight of caution. "But enough of these dark musings. How do your sons fare?"

HOTD: The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale

HOTD: The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale

TV · Giver_of_Crabs

1 years ago
Replied to Nathan_Just

The ocean is perfectly fine for this purpose

As the year 105 AC neared its end, the tranquil ambiance of Claw Isle remained undisturbed. The industrious men tirelessly toiled on their ongoing constructions, while ships gracefully sailed in and out of the harbor, orchestrating a dance of commerce. A constant flow of goods flowed through the vibrant warehouse district, an ebb and flow of prosperity. But amidst this harmonious rhythm, a ship adorned with the majestic Targaryen banner gracefully graced the shores, bearing a herald from the capital city. Once the letter's authenticity had been duly confirmed, the vigilant port guards promptly guided the messenger towards the formidable stronghold nestled in the heart of the isle - Crab's Return.

HOTD: The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale

HOTD: The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale

TV · Giver_of_Crabs

1 years ago

I mean claw isle is a small island there is only so much you can do by being traditional

Clement rolled his eyes, a flicker of skepticism dancing in his gaze. "You paint a rather dismal portrayal of my father's lordship, Ser."

HOTD: The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale

HOTD: The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale

TV · Giver_of_Crabs

1 years ago

Longbow training is brutal they have crossbows in this universe can they use those much easier to train. Like English longbowmen were literally trained from a very young age and thier bodies had very strange musculature

"In essence, my lord, we have scrutinized their endurance," Ser Phineas elucidated. "A discernible disparity resides among these men. Some men that are deemed strong enough are transferred to the men we will train more rigorously. Meanwhile, the others are transferred to longbows and infantry training, and shall play their part as archers and foot soldiers."

HOTD: The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale

HOTD: The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale

TV · Giver_of_Crabs

1 years ago
Replied to Giver_of_Crabs

Also planetos ship building is focused on ramming enemy ships which further necessitates oars

"Professional rowers for the ships too." Clement shrugged.

HOTD: The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale

HOTD: The Crab's Dance - A Celtigar's Tale

TV · Giver_of_Crabs