is that what florges and the other grass typ1e do with grassy terrain?
"Exchange involves swapping the energy within your body with the energy inside your Pokémon, mutually boosting each other's strength. This process relies on the unique connection between you and them. Other Pokémon can't do this, not even other Grass-types. Through this process, both you and your Pokémon will experience rapid growth in strength."
Anime & Comics · bearnard_bear97
why not grow them then
With the arrival of a new batch of genetically flawed Pokémon eggs, Yuga needed to reconfigure the small genetic repair potions. However, some specific fruits and herbs were lacking at home, so he had to go out and purchase them.
Anime & Comics · bearnard_bear97
the people on the ground better watch out for the rocks 🪨
Numerous large rocks appeared above the Taillow's heads under Great Flygon's control, then mercilessly came crashing down.
Anime & Comics · bearnard_bear97
country bumpkin I suppose lol
Whitney was actually a sweet-looking girl, but her strong accent and thick dialect were a bit disappointing when she spoke.
Anime & Comics · bearnard_bear97
next will probably be arceus opening the doors for him
When Asahi returned to the manor, Sirfetch'd had already prepared dinner.
Anime & Comics · NahinS77
it's yellow
I thought they were blue
Among the Yellow-aptitude Pokémon Yuga had seen so far, his own Absol, Mr. Moore Charizard and Typhlosion, and Flannery Quilava were examples. But there was a clear distinction between Pokémon of the same aptitude.
Anime & Comics · bearnard_bear97
it's the chinese/Japanese for ya. they even think going to the toilet for #2 is shameful.
Yuga's face turned bright red in embarrassment.
Anime & Comics · bearnard_bear97
does he have moltres yet as I have forgotten?
Dylan tapped his chin thoughtfully as he examined the three legendary beasts.
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
there is always next year
He remembered that Florges also had a Seed of Celebi, much like his own. His had awakened into a unique ability, but under the influence of the seed, Florges's power had evolved into something else.
I’m the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon
Anime & Comics · bearnard_bear97