

male LV 4

Just a 23-year-old Frenchy who loves reading fanfiction during my free time, be it from an anime, manga, game, movie, or novel. I hate lazy canon-following fanfics.

2019-02-23 Unido France
Obras originais
Emblemas 6

Moments 776
6 months ago
Replied to Anusan_kangaratnam

I’m trying to cook but it’s difficult, I will definitely post a new story at some point, I just don't know when yet, I'm too harsh with myself.

1 years ago
Replied to s_b8099

The first time is more like ‘copying’ until it reaches the right amount, afterward it will regenerate over time as if it was his own chakra. And I’m glad to hear that you like the story :).

1 years ago
Replied to s_b8099

I know, I didn’t want my MC to be perfect so I made him flawed (mostly his emotional control being misused) and that’s the thing he will have the most remorse with, but he’s changing throughout the story and you shouldn't be disappointed by the end :). Still, good luck reading since the first third of the chapters came out two years ago (nearly three) so my grammar might be harsh.

1 years ago
Replied to Fisherman_Dream

Welp, good luck during your read, I honestly find the early chapters meh grammatical-wise, they were written 2 years ago after all. Still, I hope you will like it :).

1 years ago
Replied to The_Puffer

The mistake is basically how his race went to extinction, he created something he shouldn’t have and after recovering his memories (which will happen while at Overwatch so during the first arc, not later), he will finish his business here and travel with some Overwatch characters as well as others, firstly he will need to ‘reproduce’ to fix this mistake and secondly, it will simply be something that links all the fictions I chose together, it’s needed as the main storyline or he would travel without reasons.

Once the first arc is over, Mc will travel around the universe to take care of the mistake he created, all while gathering a crew to help him and also aiming to bring back his race.

Living to the Fullest in the World of Naruto (COMPLETED)

Living to the Fullest in the World of Naruto (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Yasashiki

1 years ago
Replied to The_Puffer

Do you not realize that the betrayal already happened ages ago? It was before a fragment of his soul goes through countless reincarnations, this Naruto fanfiction included, there’s no betrayal in the overlord/omniverse fic since it already happened before even the prologue.

1 years ago
Replied to DeusaderVulting

I wasn’t precise enough, my bad. It’s something that was plaguing her soul and Mc did not find it before, and that’s why she stayed unconscious afterward despite the ‘healing’, since it requires more than that to recover from, I will change this part a tiny bit.

  • Living to the Fullest in the World of Naruto (COMPLETED) original

    Living to the Fullest in the World of Naruto (COMPLETED)



    THIS STORY IS COMPLETED. A young man died, tired of the pain he felt because of sickness, but when he thought that it was over, he met someone who gave him the same choice as everyone else who had no place in either hell or heaven: being reborn. Luckily for him, he is offered one wish, like the others. But be careful, why would you be given memories, a body, or chose the place you are reborn without wishing for it? Let’s wish for something that has yet to be forbidden by the rules and begin a new life in the world of Naruto, by being born in the same era as the Sannin. There is a lot to discover in such an interesting world after all. ==================== Please, read the ‘Author's Note Before Reading’. There is a harem of three, two of whom were chosen by the readers. I do not own anything directly related to Naruto. I only own OCs. The cover image is not mine and if the creator wishes for me to remove it, I will.

    114 Chs 19.4k Coleções

  • Tales of the Pokemons’ Scion (UNDER REWRITE) original

    Tales of the Pokemons’ Scion (UNDER REWRITE)


    Quick information before the synopsis, the story takes place in the anime/game Pokemon world, the Mc is not reincarnated, the story does not start at Kanto, it starts when he’s 4 and that’s 24 years before Ash departure (and 1 year equal 3 for us). ==================== Something terrible happened and corrupted the Pokemon God itself, making him destroy an entire universe because of its insanity. A young boy and his mother are running away to the only safe place the planet still had, a sacred place where the boy became something more than a simple human, before being teleported far away through space and time by his mother’s trusted companion. Now under amnesia and awakening in a place that seemed to not belong to his time, the boy will have to get his memories back and learn the truth about his destiny. Thankfully, the burden he has to carry will not be too hard on him as his mother wished for her boy to experience a normal life before fulfilling his fate. But would it be considered a ‘normal’ life by others? ==================== Read the ‘Author’s Note Before Reading’ has it contain needed information about the story. There is no schedule since I have a busy life and another fanfiction with higher priority. I own nothing except the Mc and whatever Ocs I will conceive.

    9 Chs 128 Coleções