zero0o0o1 - Profile



male LV 15

normal people

2019-02-03 Unido Indonesia

Emblemas 13

Moments 48



The Holy Sanctum Arena is a special arena that invokes the rights of gods and goddesses. If the performance of an individual catches any of their attention, then the gods or goddesses could give that player a trial to become their envoy of champion. This is the hidden mechanic of the Challenge Scroll which is why it is very difficult to get.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu



"I shall heal up all the injured comrades." Raphael stated as he gathered the light in his hands and created a shower of small stars. All the angels that were inured are all slowly recovering, and their complexions are becoming better. The angels also regained their sights since they were blinded by the darkness that befell them.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu


you mean Raphael

The cloud of death energy clouded the vision of the Angel of Humility Mikhail which ended his clash with the God of Death Hades. The Angel of Humility Mikhail felt his connection with the Angel of Patience Gabriel break just like what happened when the Angel of Kindness Gabriel died. He was now the only angel that remained to defend the Goddess of Light Luminaria.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu


only thing

The greater seal activated but the oy thing caught is the elemental cat's tail. The elemental cat is greatly shocked because the person in front of it knew that the others are just copies. It tried escaping but it could not go back as there are fearsome monsters blocking its path. It is now thinking of its way to survive the slaughter.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu


you mean other angel stated?

"Another wing has been destroyed! The chained undead is responsible!" Charon stated as he actually helped but the ones that destroyed it was Solstice and Lycan.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu


do you mean devil?

Two gigantic black suns suddenly appeared in the sky which made the angels weaker while the demons became stronger. The only beings that can be seen are the angels that emitted light from their bodies but even that light is being sucked inside of the two black suns.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu


you mean charon?

Nevertheless, Adrian was still observing greatly and ready to swoop in if the World Eater Parasite does indeed show up. He already placed Sirius below and is actually waiting in the shadow of a general in the army below. He also made sure to have Chiron hide as well as he might need to root all the humans in place later.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu



Este número foi suprimido.
Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu


demon or devil?

"It is no wonder why the angels are becoming erratic as a Nephilim has been born. I guess even the demons that are in Hell are wanting to come over to the mortal realm. The blood of a Nephilim does increase their own inherent abilities after all." Namtar stated as she now knows why the angels have become even more aggressive.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu



Adrian is suddenly sent back to the real world to view the new form that Dodu took. Adrian greeted Dodu to see if it was fine but the response that he got was not human speech. The response that Adrian god was like a mixture of whale sounds and static which clearly indicated that Dodu was not a normal being.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu



A flaming shield suddenly appeared in front of the announcer that surprised the crowd. They did not expect that the rune stoen was that great. The fact that the spell immediately activated when he just inserted some mana into it meant that it is of the highest quality. 

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu


demon or devil?

Ark has the best teachers for the light element, and he could wield it by instinct. He has great mastery over the darkness element as well but he does not have a good teacher to guide him in that way. He did say that there have been demons that tried to contact him as the gate to Hell has already solidified.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu


thoth or horus?

"I will alert the Temple of Horus as I have a way to contact the Vessel of Horus." The High Priestess Estet stated as if she did not want to do so but is forced into it.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu



"No! We cannot subject our sun to such danger." The queen stated as she us deeply worried about her son.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu


*right now*

"Yes! It might not be much, but we still have an active temple. All we need is to have the temple rise back top the surface so that the sun disk could get more sunlight." Cairo stated as what the Sun God Ra needs tight now is sunlight.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu


five hours?

"What is going on? I thought the last wave would come fie hours from now!" Cersei suddenly stated as she went to look for Anastacia.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu


is it leave*?

The auction ended with Adrian not getting something useful, but he already expected this scenario. In any case, it is his friends that got something for themselves, and they are happy with it. Adrian is about to live the auction venue when a group of people suddenly appeared in front of him.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu



When the priests managed to cleanse themselves of the plague they are affected, the raid party wholeheartedly devoted themselves to kill the raid boss. Everything would have gone swell if not for the AOE skill that the Horseman of Plague used that affected them with numerous status ailments all at the same time.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu



[You have used Bloody Queen in full power. Your body will be week for ten minutes.]

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu



The players thought that the King of Twilight Hay-lale is doing a defensive stance, but they were all flustered when he suddenly vanished into thin air. They were now in high alert as the demigod they wre facing that is three meters tall suddenly disappeared.

Omega Summoner

Omega Summoner

Games · XiaoKongxu

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