To be more precise, my attention momentarily fixated on her feet, elegantly encased in pristine white stockings. However, I quickly redirected my gaze, taking a seat on the sofa adjacent to hers. I noted the green tea resting on the table before me, alongside an assortment of snacks that she had thoughtfully prepared for my arrival.
Anime & Comics · Great_Darkness
To be more precise, my attention momentarily fixated on her feet, elegantly encased in pristine white stockings. However, I quickly redirected my gaze, taking a seat on the sofa adjacent to hers. I noted the green tea resting on the table before me, alongside an assortment of snacks that she had thoughtfully prepared for my arrival.
Anime & Comics · Great_Darkness
it's French the French suck snails, so words come out crawling.
it's an Asia thing
She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Now that I've officially become your student, should I offer another gift? The previous one was too simple—hardly fitting for a high-level spell like this!"
Fantasy · BWbear
As they were approaching their destination a car comes through causing the ambulance to make a quick manoeuvre which sends ryan flying off the stretcher and into the 'safety' bars cracking his head open. ( Poor mc .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. )
Anime & Comics · Xuefang1
chinese no do. author does not need do .... I can't. trying to F the speech up, anymore would hurt
For him it was like his happiness have been taken away from him.
Anime & Comics · Xuefang1
I China, I write type as work. MC BIG ASS BAD. she go do much thing
just die
On the ground, only a charred skeleton remained.
Fantasy · Flyyyyyyyy
saying "He" was her lover, is wrong. saying that "He", was her love, would be correct.
The young Elven woman, her silver like green hair gleaming in the dimming light, had just witnessed the brutal defeat of her lover, Luk'Tar.
War · Espiritu_Santu
English hard speech is. talked not I am WTF is wrong with you?
As a Lucifer in DxD
Anime & Comics · Vegeta_Kakarot