

LV 4


2019-01-25 Unido Global
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1 years ago
Replied to EtNaD

There are infinite reasons Shri Krishna is called as "Supreme Lord of Sweetness". One among them comes as the explanation for his name “Madhava” When asked why is he called as “ Madhava” Saintly beings says that he is as sweet as honey to compare for human perception. But honey still has a limit for its degree of sweetness but the sweetness of Lord Krishna knows no bounds. And as you will read his stories and the experinces of Saint and Sages you will come to know the depth of his infinite degree of sweetness...

This is the series "Lord of Sweetness", wherein we were meditating on the sweetness of the Lord and some of the practical lessons that we can learn from the song "Madhurashtakam" composed by Sri Vallabhacarya.

Shrimad-Bhagavatam First Canto - Volume 1

Shrimad-Bhagavatam First Canto - Volume 1

History · Surviving_17

2 years ago
Replied to ogundipe_omotola

Sorry, I had to go on a week's trip and coming back I fell sick...will try to update as soon as possible.

2 years ago
Replied to tiatmk

Thanks to you...for sticking so long. I remember you from the initial chapters😍😍😍 So happy to have you...❤️ hope you're enjoying the chapters.

2 years ago
Replied to Antisocial_07

Much better now, Thank you, dear!💜

2 years ago
Replied to irs914

I apologize for the upcoming delay. I got serious eye infection so I couldn't sit in front of laptop screen! just recovered a little. I'm so sorry to disappoint you!

2 years ago
Replied to Heavenjj

this Sunday definitely...for sure!

2 years ago
Replied to bluepearl

You too dear! Have great days ahead❤

2 years ago
Replied to Heavenjj


2 years ago
Replied to Antisocial_07


  • Bloodbound Hearts: Forbidden Love Amongst Vampires original

    Bloodbound Hearts: Forbidden Love Amongst Vampires


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    In a world where ancient magic and immortal bloodlines collide, Myhra, a young woman blessed with the rare and powerful Blood Magic, discovers that her divine abilities are bound to her heart, making her both a target and a treasure. Blood Magic, a force of nature that can heal or destroy, runs through her veins, and only true bond can unleash its full potential. Dainthi, an enigmatic and brooding vampire, has been cast out by his royal blood family under false pretenses. Though shunned and labeled as a forsaken, Dainthi harbors secrets that could shatter the very foundations of the vampire aristocracy. His path crosses with Myhra's in a chance encounter that is anything but accidental. As Myhra and Dainthi are drawn to each other by an irresistible force, they discover a shared destiny. Their burgeoning love is forbidden by both the Blood Magic users, who fear the potential corruption of their powers, and the vampire society, which views any alliance with blood magic wielders as a betrayal. Torn between duty and desire, Myhra and Dainthi must navigate a treacherous landscape of deceit and danger. They face enemies on all sides: rival Blood Magic users who covet Myhra’s powers, vampire hunters determined to eradicate Dainthi, and a royal vampire family intent on maintaining their iron grip on power. In the face of overwhelming odds, Myhra and Dainthi's love is a spellbinding tale of love and sacrifice, where hearts entwined in forbidden passion might hold the key to a new dawn for both the Blood Magic users and the vampire race. .......................... The Cover art's credit goes to the rightful owner.

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  • Queen Of Hearts Is The CEO's, Mysterious Love. original

    Queen Of Hearts Is The CEO's, Mysterious Love.


    4.54 Atualizado recentemente

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  • Shrimad-Bhagavatam First Canto - Volume 1 original

    Shrimad-Bhagavatam First Canto - Volume 1


    Original Author : A.C Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada Acharya and Founder of International society Of Krsna Consciousness(ISKON) A mystic land where the myriad occult of greatly omnipotent Gods and goddesses was not only worshipped but celebrated magnanimously. It wasn't just these Divine forms that were exceptional but the mortals who worshipped and adored them were cordially gifted with unusual mystical powers beyond the limitation of the usual human beings. There are immemorial and immortal folklore and Vedic legacies about each point of this land which had the privilege to get blessed with the footsteps of mystical sages, demigods, God and Goddess as well the Supreme Lord(Sat-chit-ananda) himself. These omnipotent, and all-pervading forms are present everywhere in their formless potencies but in this motherland, they bore divine forms since ancient times and Legends assuredly say they'll be the only ones to remain standing at the end of the Universe and beyond... The very concept that the all-powerful Supreme Person is unaware of His Godhood, fears His mother, and plays mischievously with His friends is universally delightful. A number of the childhood pastimes of God Krishn, who by the act of His own spiritual potency, forgets that He is God and plays like an ordinary child. These pastimes are described in India's ancient scriptures, which state that although God is infinite, unlimited, and inconceivable, He is ultimately a person. He manifests in many forms and is mostly worshiped with great reverence. In His original and topmost feature, however, He inspires such intimate, sweet affection in the heart of his dear devotees that, although He enacts astonishing pastimes, both He and they remain unaware of His Godhood.

    25 Chs 12 Coleções

  • The Story Of Mira's Love original

    The Story Of Mira's Love


    [Originally Written By Swami Budhananda All Rights Reserved Adhyaksha, Advaita Ashrama First Edition by Ramakrishna Mission] Mirabai was one of those totally unself-conscious teachers of supreme love of God, whose manner of loving God became the manner of her teachings. Mirabai was a sixteenth century saint born in Rajasthan, India. Her approach to God as Sri Krishna, was that of absolute love. For expressing her most powerful love of God she composed many moving songs, which became one of the tenderly cherished spiritual heritage of India. The Story of Mira's Love moves everyone who has love of God in heart. Even those who may not like to think of God at all, could be struck by the inspiring quality of God at all, could be struck by the inspiring quality of Mira's most dynamic pursuit of God the Beloved. For writing this small monograph, in good part, the author(Swami Budhananda) depended on Swami Vamadevananda's Mirabai published by 'Udbodhan' Kolkata. The theme of the seed-paper was given as a Sunday sermon at the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Centre, New York, with the caption, 'Mira: The God-intoxicated Queen' in April 1960. Later on, the same was the subject of a Sunday talk early in 1965 at the Vedanta Society, Hollywood, given under the caption, 'The Story of Mira's Love.' 'The Story of Mira's Love' was first published in the July-August 1965 issue of the Vedanta and the West, a bi-monthly, which used to be published by the Vedanta Society of Southern California. This is now being made available for wider circulation in the form of this small book, enlivened by the sketches of Sri Biswaranjan Chakraborty. Artist Biswaranjan has, by grace, succeeded in good part in capturing with the delicacy of his brush the thores and the abandon of Mira's divine love. It is hoped that the story of Mira's total love for God will energize and inspire lovers of God everywhere in the world. 16 March 1983 Sri Ramakrishna's Birthday New Delhi Swami Budhananda: The original Author of this book 'The Story of Mira's Love.

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