

male LV 14
2019-01-17 Unido United States
Emblemas 8

Moments 1262
4 months ago

But at least now he knows about the danger from using his power.

'Should I have minded my own business?' Astaroth thought, before lying back down.

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Games · Galanar

4 months ago

Normal attack is 15 damage, while the 🔥 attack does 60 damage, just spread out over time. That's not bad in my opinion.

"Only two damage per second." He grumbled.

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Games · Galanar

4 months ago
Replied to SunMedic

There's always last minute tweaks and fixes that are done after the hardware, in this case the helmet, is made and readied for delivery. Think about it, the helmets were probably made and boxed up weeks, if not months, before the official launch date.

Time had flown by that day, and 6 PM was getting close. The game was launching at 6 PM and the handbook recommended that players log in fifteen minutes before, to create their characters, as that function would be unlocked for them a little before the game was.

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Games · Galanar

5 months ago

What's your lucks level again? 😆🤣😂

5 months ago

Having a pig apostle sounds boaring.

His sockets turned to the dead body of the boar and Skullius clacked his teeth.

Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Fantasy · Shade_Arjuun

7 months ago


Vahn began to realize there was still a lot about this world he didn't know about. He planned to use the next few months to familiarize himself with the City and learn all kinds of new things. Seeing the letter Hephaestus was writing, he suddenly had a thought and asked, "Hephaestus, did anyone come by to give you a letter when I was in the dungeon?" Hephaestus's quill stopped a while before she looked at Vahn with slightly widened eyes. "Yes, I had almost forgotten about that matter. I'll have her stop by tomorrow and we can get to the bottom of that situation." Toward the end of her words, Vahn saw that Hephaestus had a fierce and angry expression. He almost felt bad for the person on the receiving end of her wrath...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

7 months ago

Bete's new nickname is Beta

After realizing the fact his nakedness was the source of the awkward atmosphere, Vahn frowned before wrapping the cloak around his waist. The moment he did so, he noticed everyone had strange reactions, though most of the group seemed relieved. One notable reaction came from Tiona, who seemed somewhat disappointed. She was currently being held off to the side by her sister, who was trying to prevent the situation from getting worse. The most interesting reaction though came from Bete, who seemed like he was struggling with something internally.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

7 months ago

He should leave a false trail towards the 19th level, and then sneak back into the 17th.

After careful deliberation, Vahn decided it would be best to head back up a bit. Right now, there were enemies that were trying to interfere with him, and Vahn even suspected they had something to do with the Juggernaut he encountered previously. If he decided to head down, not only would he expose himself to further danger but ran the risk of losing his path of retreat. Though the majority of people within the Osiris Familia seemed to be around Level 2, it didn't prevent them from paying others to sabotage Vahn's progress. Dealing with higher level adventurers while fighting dangerous monsters wasn't a pleasant thought.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

7 months ago

Or it could be part of their stealth ability 🤔

After watching the group slowly advance, Vahn began to realize that none of them triggered his 'instincts'. Every time Vahn had ever fought someone stronger than him or entered a dangerous area, something inside of him seemed to react and cause him to act more cautious. The fact none of these people made him feel that way made Vahn believe they were weaker than he was.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

7 months ago

Relatively > comparatively would be a better word choice.

Vahn began counting each Minotaur and, by the time they stopped spawning, there were a total of 73 that he could sense within his domain. Luckily the spawn rate was directly tied to the size of a party or Vahn might have had to deal with far greater numbers. As a lone adventurer, what could have been several hundred monsters had been reduced to a relatively small amount.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion