DesertRat - Profile



LV 5


2018-12-04 Unido Global

Emblemas 8

Moments 1059


big chain store, i believe the grocery store he started selling stuff at before starting the villa most likely. ??RT Mart??

The first batch of ripe watermelons had already been on the market. Moreover, director Chu of da runfa was in a favorable position, so he ordered a large batch and sent them to the various branches of da runfa.

I Can Enter The Game

I Can Enter The Game

Urban · Ask The Heart Forever


the Veggie King.... is.... .... a fish??!?!! 🙉🙈🙊

At that time, this kind of big yellow croaker could be the king of vegetables in the manor villa.

I Can Enter The Game

I Can Enter The Game

Urban · Ask The Heart Forever


atlantean? atlantis style??

The sign of the aquarium had been hung outside the original Hall, and the entire Hall had changed greatly. The interior was no longer as old as before. Not only had the area expanded a lot, but it was also a brand new Atlan-style construction structure.

I Can Enter The Game

I Can Enter The Game

Urban · Ask The Heart Forever


no one says anything like that.... soldiers, modern or ancient usually "kit out" at 70 lbs or less for all their gear Chinese preferred lamellar (think scale) cause its lighter, even and wheeled conveyance was extremely popular...

some researchers used to say that most people could carry 100 or 200 kilograms and walk dozens of kilometers, but now, few could carry 100 or 200 kilograms and walk for a few minutes. they also speculated that humans would slowly degenerate due to sub-health problems.

I Can Enter The Game

I Can Enter The Game

Urban · Ask The Heart Forever


which makes no sense... what about tactics? what about ranged attacks? what about phsical enhancement vs. fire enhancement? speed? what about just the fact some people suck at fighting...

"As long as you reach the level that the system has subdivided, you will be half a level higher than the awakened ones of the same level. With such a combat level, those of the same level will definitely not be able to beat you."

The Whole World Awakened: My Clones Are Everywhere

The Whole World Awakened: My Clones Are Everywhere

Urban · Urban Cloning Power


wasn't it 50% in description ??

They had only just awakened, and their abilities were not even at level one. Moreover, his ability was cloning. Even if he could release a clone, what was the use of a clone that could only inherit 10% of his combat strength?

The Whole World Awakened: My Clones Are Everywhere

The Whole World Awakened: My Clones Are Everywhere

Urban · Urban Cloning Power


... its the first fucking day of school... also, newbie students wouldn't be adventuring much, or else why even bother going to the academy ...

There weren't many classes in the academy. Most of them were teaching theoretical knowledge. Other than a few compulsory classes, the other classes were optional. The time for class was very flexible. This was also reasonable. After all, most of the time, Beast Tamers had to go out and adventure.

I've Activated The Hidden Path of Beast Evolution

I've Activated The Hidden Path of Beast Evolution

Urban · Pikachu


like 3 chapters ago, it was top beast academy, normal beast academy or factory life... now their is normal schools too?? ...

If not, they would become ordinary people, graduating from an ordinary academy and finding a normal job, living the rest of their lives peacefully. It was a huge gap. No wonder the students were so nervous.

I've Activated The Hidden Path of Beast Evolution

I've Activated The Hidden Path of Beast Evolution

Urban · Pikachu

Replied to DesertRat

reading further it has 4 days later in the next chapter too so this maybe suppose to be >four hours<

Four days later, the Golden Sparrow's growth progress was already full, meaning it could evolve. Ye Fan didn't hesitate and directly chose to evolve.

I've Activated The Hidden Path of Beast Evolution

I've Activated The Hidden Path of Beast Evolution

Urban · Pikachu


he met 10 and a boss in a matter of an hour or so, but took 4 days to find the last 70??

Four days later, the Golden Sparrow's growth progress was already full, meaning it could evolve. Ye Fan didn't hesitate and directly chose to evolve.

I've Activated The Hidden Path of Beast Evolution

I've Activated The Hidden Path of Beast Evolution

Urban · Pikachu


unlimited potential ... is only king level max...?? thinking that should be "limited potential"

Evolution Path: An evolutionary method with unlimited potential for the divine level. It can evolve to the king-level at most.

I've Activated The Hidden Path of Beast Evolution

I've Activated The Hidden Path of Beast Evolution

Urban · Pikachu


errm, yeah its just eggs and rice, but its super top quality eggs and rice, not exactly "simple ingredients" even before the system bonuses...

Originally, he thought the saying on television that delicious food often only required the simplest ingredients and cooking was more or less an exaggeration.

I Can Enter The Game

I Can Enter The Game

Urban · Ask The Heart Forever

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