Oh ny gosh! Im so glad someone else said it too! I came in here to leave a comment about that! Like SY, is so damn selfish and childish. NC is just too kind and nice and perfect! Like what about NC plans and feelings? He took the time to plan a date (also for his sake, because of promising to go on a fee dates first before their first time) and all SY cares about is the system. It’s like he wants to rush home to play on a game or work than to be on a date with NC! 😅
Im sobbing!!! These two are just too cute!!!! Friday hurry up and come please!!! These teo really deserve each other! [img=update]
Oh!!! What is the title of his novel?
Oh wow!!!! Congratulations on this novel having a paperback Book! I’ll be sure to buy it when I finish it here. I hope Japan’s amazon has it!
Or even CuriousAlice. like Alice going down the rabbit hole of BL. 🤣😂🤣🤣
I thought he was gonna write CluelessCat or CluelessBunny. 🤣😂🤣😂
Did you give up on it too then? Or you’re still trying? 😅
I hope there’s a story for Li Ming as a second lead in this story!!!! He needs his own love, this kind soul... 🥺😫💕💖
Hahahahha!!! This is so funny! I’m already hooked! I’ve been struggling with a bad book recently and this is making the bad taste go now. I hope this level of wittiness, cuteness and interesting plot/characters continues throughout the book! Can’t wait to read more!
The foot kiss reminds me of TharnType and the meaning behind it for Thai culture and they won the best kiss scene for that! Now im soft whenever theres a kiss feet scene between lovers cos it means so much behind it! 😭😭😭💕💖
Lovely Writing System
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