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Aspiring full time fantasy and sci-fi author. My first fantasy novel series Legends of Avalon is ongoing (Long hiatus d/t other commitments). My blog:

2018-11-25 Unido Global
Obras originais
Emblemas 4

  • Legends of Avalon: Gardens of Atlantis original

    Legends of Avalon: Gardens of Atlantis


    Princess Elle and her Golden Knights Penthesila, Margaret and Marry have finally arrived in Atlantis Academy. Although they had hoped for and had expected a swift mobilization of the Academies and the nations of Avalon against the common threat of the Demons, they soon discover that they may not even gain any assistance at all as many are resistant to the possibility that the Demons that had once brought so much fear to them may be at their doorsteps again. While Ray prepares for the upcoming Trials of Valour, the final examination of the Academies, he receives a mission from the headmaster classified as an S-class mission: to ‘guard Princess Elle, show her around and get to know her’. To fulfil his mission as his master requested, Ray brings his royal guests to the most beautiful place in the country – the Gardens of Atlantis.

    5 Chs 3 Coleções

  • Legends of Avalon: Labyrinth of Daedalus original

    Legends of Avalon: Labyrinth of Daedalus


    While the other nations were at war with the Shadow Wraith, the small nation of Lyonesse was run down and occupied by the Demon Empire led by the Demon Shamaness ‘Livni the Cursed’ of the fifth Demon clan. Princess ‘Elle’ Elizabeth Marion de Lyon, a princess of Lyonesse has escaped the capital city, accompanied by her royal guards the Golden Wings Knights. Their mission is to get to Atlantis Academy and warn them of the Demon presence in Lyonesse. The girls’ mission however was not easy as their escape was discovered and Shadow Assassins, the most feared assassins of the Demon Empire were sent after them. Many of their comrades fell to their demonic assassination magic. In order to escape certain death for herself and her friends, Princess Elle made the decision to enter the Labyrinth of Daedalus, an ancient dungeon that is as deadly as the Demons that are after them. After endless days of labouring in the punishing maze, the girls are ready to give up when they are lead to the heart of the maze and discover the horror that was hidden there by the ancient race that built the labyrinth. Can Princess Elle and her Golden Wings Knights, already at the edge of their endurance, face the terror at the centre of the labyrinth and escape? Will Ray be able to make it in time to help them and will their combined powers be enough against the horrors of the ancient labyrinth and the might of a group of demonic assassins that are feared even in Tartarus?

    6 Chs 1 Coleções

  • Katastrophe: Countdown original

    Katastrophe: Countdown


    Tian is one of the last humans alive, and the only remaining Celestial. Despite finally obtaining the power to destroy the Overlords who had turned Earth into ruins and brought humanity to the brink of extinction, he no longer has any reason or desire to do so. Having lived and fought on for a hundred years after losing everyone that he cared about, all Tian really wanted was to die and be reunited with his family. After destroying the last Overlord city and burning his life force along with it, Tian thought that he could finally die and be at peace. When he opened his eyes though, Tian found himself 250 years in the past, right before everything ended. Given this second chance to redo things, and with only 10 days left until Katastrophe, Tian must prepare for the inevitable End and most importantly, this time, save the people he loved most. Katastrophe: Countdown follows Ken Yamato, the 16 year old version of the future hero 'Tian' as he tries to save and prepare his family and friends from the coming apocalypse and unlock the powers of a Celestial that he knows is dwelling inside him.

    1 Chs 4 Coleções

  • Legends of Avalon: Ice Palace original

    Legends of Avalon: Ice Palace


    'Ray' Raiton Etheria is the young hero of the Battle of Escanor who defeated the Shadow Wraith and brought an end to the Third Blight. Now three years after the war, Ray is regarded as a living legend and is the most prized Hero of the Academies. When headmaster Ed asks him to carry out an unofficial mission to save a princess of Lyonesse from Shadow Assassins and requests that he keep it a secret, Ray is certain that it has something to do with the unease that he has been feeling. To make matters worse, the princess is trapped inside the Labyrinth of Daedalus, possibly the most dangerous Dungeon in Avalon. Before he can save the princess, Ray will need to seek a treasure belonging to the Queen of the Ice Palace because not even the legendary Hero of Avalon can survive the Labyrinth of Daedalus without help. Can Ray survive the challenges of the Ice Palace, an A-Class Dungeon that most Heroes avoid? Will he be able to obtain the item that he requires for his mission, and how will he fare against the Queen of the Ice Palace who controls both ice and time?

    6 Chs 10 Coleções