Webnovel Author: Greblem - Fanfic Collection



male LV 6
2018-10-20 Unido United States

Emblemas 9

Moments 810


Most iterations of Superman have magic resistance barely above that of an ordinary man.

As an invulnerable Superman, Peter's current magic resistance was as astonishingly powerful as his physical resistance.

Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Anime & Comics · iRedX43


Couldn't he have Kimimaro swallow a half dozen explosive tags, ignite them, and switch back to his body before they explode

"Cause I banged your mom. We don't have time to chit chat so move!" Kuzo, as Kimimaro, went to his original body and grabbed a few explosive tags, and he attached them to Kimimaro's body.

Naruto: The Shinobi of Gluttony

Naruto: The Shinobi of Gluttony

Anime & Comics · blazuki

Replied to Raistlins_Ghost1

I'm assuming the author keeps replacing the Utatane and Mitokado clans with random clans.

Kaito thought to himself. After this period of investigation, Hyuga, Aburame and Inuzuka had basically gathered information on the Sarutobi, Yamanaka and Akimichi clans.

Naruto: Family System

Naruto: Family System

Anime & Comics · SoftCrow


The previous paragraph says 15 to both attack and dueling, in this paragraph they are both 12?


I think you reversed the time difference.

"How many times must I repeat myself for you to understand? This is my domain... Everything within this world is under my control. Including space, time... and your pitiful life. I won't let you die, at least not naturally. Besides, every second that passes here is equivalent to seventy-two hours outside. So, we still have plenty of time."

One Piece Heavenly Upgrade System

One Piece Heavenly Upgrade System

Anime & Comics · Noland29


Loved the Rick and Morty addition. 👍

"It's a waste of time. A bunch of people runnin' around bumpin' into each other got a guy up front says "2 + 2," and the people in the back say, "4." Then the bell rings and they give you a carton of milk and a piece of paper that says you can go take a dump or somethin'. I mean, it's not a place for smart people, Alfred. I know that's not a popular opinion, but that's my two cents on the issue. So I don't need to go to school to be smart. I can get homeschooled for god's sake." Bruce defended.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


Perfect Deadpool 👍

Wade chuckled softly. "That's who I'd want to play me in my superhero movie if Ryan Reynolds was busy or dead. God forbid," he added, making a religious cross-motion.

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Movies · AlienWarlord


Land of Rain would be difficult unless a river in Land of Rivers has a deep enough channel all the way through the country.

And it can also lead to other places, such as the Land of Water and the Land of Rain. After the shipping industry develops, it is equivalent to monopolizing a port business, which is how Gato developed.

Marvel: Trading from Naruto

Marvel: Trading from Naruto

Anime & Comics · FicNovels


30+70=120 ???


What does this mean? Are they tougher to pop? Do they have 100x his strength when created?


100,000 days actually

He looked carefully and saw that after the balance of skill points was one hundred billion, he suddenly took a breath of cold air, so many skill points, one million points a day, it would take one hundred million years to use up, this and this…

One Million Skill Points at the Start of One Piece

One Million Skill Points at the Start of One Piece

Anime & Comics · Hopp


two men one woman

"There's a rumor in school about Bi Jialiang, Jian Qingli, and Li Chengqian. A rumor about one man and two women…" As he thought about it, Zhao Peng's thoughts went wild.

Top Student: Experience Infinite Occupations

Top Student: Experience Infinite Occupations

Urban · Swallow An Ox


Why do you write paragraphs out of order?

My bare hand began to smoke as the light magic began to damage my Iron Skin. Points were being taken away from my DP bar, but since it was negligent, they quickly filled back up again. Just as the spear was about to hit me in the face, I stopped it with my bare hand.

DxD: The Lustful Gamer

DxD: The Lustful Gamer

Anime & Comics · Orael

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