Hellbound with you! Wow 😳😳! finally it's over. I thought I love Abi and Alex so much but I later found out that I do love Zeke and Alicia the most. Their character are the kind of people that love deeply and sacrifice for those that they called family or love the most. plssssss author let Zeke come back to his love. He's been a lonely person for long. He deserves happiness!
Hellbound with you! Wow 😳😳! finally it's over. I thought I love Abi and Alex so much but I later found out that I do love Zeke and Alicia the most. Their character are the kind of people that love deeply and sacrifice for those that they called family or love the most. plssssss author let Zeke come back to his love. He's been a lonely person for long. He deserves happiness!
Hellbound With You
Fantasy · KazzenlX