

male LV 4


2019-06-28 Unido Russia
Emblemas 6

Moments 235
4 days ago
Replied to Hasan_Shopnil

Honestly? I don't care if there will be children. The comment was written as if in opposition to yours, so that the audience's wishes could be assessed based on the likes in both comments. As for me, if there will be children, then good, it will be interesting to read about the interaction of the MC with her offspring, alas, there are very few such fanfics. won't they? That's not scary either. Regarding the fact that they can die, in fact, the end of the canon will not make the situation safer, simply because there will always be a bigger fish. Even after the canon, such monsters can come into the world, from which the whole world will fall to dust, because of this, should we refuse children at all? It is clear that the MC needs to become stronger to make this process more controllable, but waiting for the epilogue is also not always a way out. It all depends on the author himself, whether he wants to write about such things or not.

4 days ago
Replied to Hasan_Shopnil

No! We need children!

6 days ago

ugh, with a lover like that you don't need enemies. Think about it, Mo Fan, there are a lot more fish in this sea!

8 days ago

speedrun on!

(My love, you're speedrunning the twin sister route!)

Dream Infinite

Dream Infinite

Anime & Comics · GloriousMilfHunter

10 days ago
Replied to Arigin

Well, now I am contradicting myself, but I have an idea how they could come to him. I don’t remember what this series of stores is called, like a black moon? I'm talking about Felial of one of the sacred lands. The rapists could well collect sweatings from onlookers and find out that the MS left their store before running into their young master. After that, for a round amount, asking information about this client. And if we assume that this store has a fairly strong file cabinet of clients, they could find that MS appeared and at all departments, thus reach the desired point. There is a loud business on the shakes of Xiao, it could go sideways.

The team tracked Yun Wuji to the Blue Wind Empire but couldn't find him. The only clue they had was traces of Chu Yuechan who was with him, which led them to the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace.

ATG: My genius is almost frightening!

ATG: My genius is almost frightening!

Book&Literature · ImmortalCockroach

10 days ago
Replied to

Where? She was not with him at that moment, she "remembering" past. Moreover, I would like to remind you that teleportation over such large distances is quite unique, I doubt that these weirdos could even imagine it. I don't even get how two people from different kingdoms could be connected, much less howl at his companion. The only plausible option is a connection by the aura cast on the killer. This happened even in the weakest sects, let alone the holy lands.

The team tracked Yun Wuji to the Blue Wind Empire but couldn't find him. The only clue they had was traces of Chu Yuechan who was with him, which led them to the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace.

ATG: My genius is almost frightening!

ATG: My genius is almost frightening!

Book&Literature · ImmortalCockroach

10 days ago

Very far fetched. I could understand if there was some kind of beacon leading to the MC. But such a development is implausible, since he teleported from another kingdom, which would hide any traces.

The team tracked Yun Wuji to the Blue Wind Empire but couldn't find him. The only clue they had was traces of Chu Yuechan who was with him, which led them to the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace.

ATG: My genius is almost frightening!

ATG: My genius is almost frightening!

Book&Literature · ImmortalCockroach

14 days ago
Replied to Deltron_0

Russian-language fanfic of the same name by evopalan. Fanfic is complete.

14 days ago

I haven't read the light novel or watched the anime, but I've read the web version of the novel. There was a moment when the demon lord Bugi-Bugi watched Rudy's training and said that combat aura is essentially the same magic, only people control it differently. Plus, he mentioned that Rudy can't use his combat aura because his soul is leaky like a sieve. It didn't affect the use of magic, but it's critical for combat aura. And the reasons for this weren't explained (from the chapters I read). True, as I assumed, the reason was precisely in the large reserves of mana. Like, Rudy has such a large reserve of magic that his soul couldn't withstand it and began to crack.

(More: There is a believe spread among some readers that Rudeus can't grasp Battle Aura because he has the Laplace Factor, because Laplace was also unable to; or that because Rudeus has too much mana as a result of his Laplace factor, he can't use Battle Aura or sense magic flow through the body as a price, but that's just a speculation and both are incorrect. It's an assumption based on the fact that Orsted had initially speculated something like this, since Rudeus was similar to Laplace in regards to no Toki and overpowered magic. However, later it was proven that there are individuals who can have both Magic-related Laplace Factor and be able to use Battle Aura, like Sylphy. There are also individuals with Laplace Factor that possess different traits apart from magic talent (like green hair, enhanced physical body, a demon eye etc.). Finally, in one Q&A the author mentioned that different people have different Laplace Factors or express them differently. | We can assume that Battle Aura impotency might be one of the Laplace Factors that someone can exhibit, but it isn't necessary, just like them having green hair, strong physique or a demon eye, which Rudeus both didn't have. Alternatively, no talent for Battle Aura is most likely just a lack of inborn talent for it, since not being able to use Battle Aura was something that Laplace did not have and not any kind of curse (he even had it at one point along with his magic talent and a strong physique, but lost it as his being was split, like losing an organ).)

Reincarnated in Mushoku Tensei: Realistically Overpowered (rewrite)

Reincarnated in Mushoku Tensei: Realistically Overpowered (rewrite)

Anime & Comics · Jaed21

18 days ago

Almost one and a half hundred chapters have been read in one breath. During the entire reading, everything was fine, but the damned nerf and the author's attempt to maintain worthy competition for MC, despite years of its preparation, in the end began to simply irritate.