
male LV 13

Math person, enjoyer of anime.

2018-09-27 Unido United States
Emblemas 20

Moments 21
1 months ago

16E8 + 5044E4 is what I believe this truly is, as mandarin does have special numbers at the 4 zeros and 8 zeros levels. I just don't understand why the translator is struggling so badly with these numbers. Is AI doing part of the work? But then shouldn't AI be able to handle these?

[You have successfully taken out Earth Sword (Minor Accomplishment Level), spending 200 million energy points, remaining energy points are 14 billion 5044 million.]

Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation!

Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation!

Eastern · Three five mysterious seven

1 months ago
Replied to Halt_Jagged

China has special numbers at the 4 zeros and 8 zeros marks. For some reason, translator keeps mistaking the 8 zero special number for billion. Here, it is also mistaking the 4 zero number for million.

[Ding, you have successfully spent one billion energy points on the version update, remaining energy: 9 billion 8102 million.]

Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation!

Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation!

Eastern · Three five mysterious seven

5 months ago
Replied to Sleepdeprived

I looked into this a while back. Apparently, the term would translate to something like " to travel through time and space".

1 years ago
Replied to Brian_McKinney

Remember, he got 5 more from the snake egg (after throwing the other egg at Son of Heaven), which boosted his total to 13. And now, with 5 more, he reaches 18.

The stormbird egg added five more sacred geno points to Han Sen, which were fewer than he had expected, but it was a surprise in itself, so it was still great. Now Han Sen had 18 sacred geno points.

Super Gene

Super Gene

Sci-fi · Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim

1 years ago
Replied to Auri_Kvothe

For Nephis, I suspect that using her power with the mask would cause intense pleasure, being the opposite of pain.

2 years ago
Replied to biofoard

I believe Saints can transport goods directly between worlds, without the coffer. So it will mostly be masters who will be jealous. (Though there could be a saint who would want to it, to gift to a descendant or underling.)

2 years ago
Replied to Voidz_Zero

Genshin Impact. Character: Eula (who constantly talks about vengeance.)

2 years ago

hump? :) (I think this is a typo: should be "thump")

"We're here," Wally muttered as they arrived before a strange item that caused their hearts to hump in increasing vigor, exhibiting unbridled excitement and relief. 

Is that a Wisp?

Is that a Wisp?

Eastern · Suiyan

2 years ago
Replied to Gavriel_

Actually, there are several blind people who have learned echolocation, and use it to move around semi-normally. It is really worth looking up, and quite fascinating: "human echolocation"

"Although you cannot see it, every time a sound is created, it would create an invisible sound wave that ripples as far as it can travel before it disappears, and when this ripple is blocked by something, it would bounce back. I can hear these ripples clearly, allowing me to visualize my surrounding with sound."

Cultivation Online

Cultivation Online

Games · MyLittleBrother

3 years ago
Replied to titan002

I heard that exact same voice when I read this line, as well!

"Ah! It appears that my pleading has finally reached the Heavens! Please, Esteemed Cultivators, I need your help!" The middle-aged man quickly approached them with teary eyes and a desperate expression.

Cultivation Online

Cultivation Online

Games · MyLittleBrother