Neville rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. He fought the urge to snort aloud at Harry's dramatic declaration. 'The Stone's probably a fake,' he thought, 'and even if it's real, the Elixir of Life doesn't bring people back from the dead. It just extends their life while leaving their bodies frail and weak.'
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most likely tethering the soul to the body, keeping the body alive to an extent but even that has its limits. curious if it was made in the fma way, but using a massive ward to use the souls of those that died during the plagues
Neville rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. He fought the urge to snort aloud at Harry's dramatic declaration. 'The Stone's probably a fake,' he thought, 'and even if it's real, the Elixir of Life doesn't bring people back from the dead. It just extends their life while leaving their bodies frail and weak.'
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yet he remembers... maybe a perk of reincarnation
Neville lay there, furious, his mind racing. He couldn't believe what he'd just witnessed. "That old git actually wiped part of our memories," he thought, feeling a chill run through him. "And probably Confunded us as well so we'd forget what I said about Quirrell." Neville's mouth went dry.
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more like covering their asses as once the dmle or ministry gets involved they are screwed even with dumbledores influence
"We can't," Harry said, shaking his head. "Dumbledore's locked the castle down while the professors search for whoever did this. We're not allowed to leave the common room."
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except the deadly man eating spiders he bred into a colony that would eat everyone except Hagrid
"There's nothin' that lives in the forest that'll hurt yeh if yer with me or Fang," Hagrid reassured him. "An' keep to the path. Right, now, we're gonna split inter two parties an' follow the trail in diff'rent directions. There's blood all over the place; it must've bin staggerin' around since last night at least."
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technically since hjs father is on the board along with Augusta, and the knowledge of going after something killing unicorns Dumbledore, McGonagall , and Hagrid will find themselves kicked put of the castle if not in Azkaban (Dumbledore would probably use the two as scapegoats and escape punishment) as lucius has the ministers ear, and with donations from Augusta to the minister and his cronies they would be doomed. nothing brings people who don't like each other together than someone trying to put their children in mortal danger.
Hagrid's face darkened as he loomed over Malfoy. "Yeh are, if yeh want ter stay at Hogwarts," he said fiercely. "Yeh've done wrong, and now yeh've got ter pay fer it."
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Dumbledore would... he honestly does not care about how many he has to sacrifice for his deluded vision.
Neville sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. 'Honestly, that's the dumbest thing I've heard all day,' he thought. "People affected by lycanthropy only turn into werewolves on a full moon," he said aloud, pointing up at the sky where a half-moon gleamed faintly through the clouds. "And it isn't one, is it? Besides," he added dryly, "do you really think any sane person would let werewolves roam freely near a castle full of teenagers? That'd be a disaster waiting to happen."
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he should simply inform his grand.othet a d have her grease hands so McGonagall is thrown into Azkaban or have a bounty on her head and killed. or release e ought info that Dumbledore will have to focus on saving himself and use McGonagall as a scapegoat to survive
there's always ilvermorny founded by a descendant of Salazar slytherin... well a non insane descendant
Hogwarts: Neville’s Insert (A Neville SI)
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