"Feraligatr!" The light exploded, and the water on its body shrank and returned to its shoulders and arms. The water flow actually formed a pair of arm armor!
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My favorite
"I personally love Suicune. It is probably one of my favorite Water-type Pokémons of all time." Ash gave his own thought and Misty and Brock nodded towards what he had just said.
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Name: Ash-Typhlosion
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His Pikachu also has a clone, but his personality is completely different from his.
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I still posted with 5 minutes left.
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"Chase them black creatures!"
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"Icy Wind!" Robert called, raising her hand confidently.
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"Looks like I need to bump Bagon up on my training schedule," Chris muttered to himself. Fly was too valuable to leave unused, and only his future Salamence, Hydreigon, or Dragonite could become reliable users of the move. Among those, Salamence's sheer presence made it Chris's top choice.
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Too cool
Feeling the attacks coming from the left, right, and above, Tyranitar's eyes, which had been burning with anger, widened further. Now, excitement overtook the fury, and a primal, savage aura radiated from it. Bending its body, Tyranitar suddenly straightened and spread its arms wide, as if embracing the heavens. Then, it threw its head back and let out a deafening roar.
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It is impossible to remove this thousand-year-old ancient tree. The only way is to get rid of the Vileplume and Bellossom groups from under here.
Pokemon: Bond Evolutions of Pokémon
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