defend the admiral. That's his nickname
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Celebrities · IWhoMustNotBeName
??? Spain and Italy??
Unfortunately for Spain, their Group G had two such strong teams—Spain and Italy! The other four teams in the group were far weaker and seemed unlikely to challenge either Spain or Italy for qualification.
Celebrities · Johanssen10
Cuz they're trashier than grunts.
Cinnabar Gym - Blaine: Haha! Jenny, don't worry. Even if those girls wanted to join Rocket, they wouldn't take them.
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
TFTC. Hopefully it's not a 4 long ass chapts because of this opponent before Shiratorizawa.
What's this again?
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Celebrities · IWhoMustNotBeName
12? Where's the Iconic 11 Klay?
"Oh, I love this No. 12 to death. Did you see his three-point expression? Like a cold-blooded killer harvesting lives!"
Celebrities · Chugamc
I think this one has a different name from the other chapters
"Bellossom, Moonlit Bamboo Shadows!"
Anime & Comics · Madbot635
Starting With Real Madrid
Celebrities · Junkdog