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2018-11-03 Unido Global
Emblemas 12

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5 days ago


Izu had enrolled for jujutsu, mainly because it needed you to be flexible and with his quirk he could easily manage that.

The Light Hero: Beacon

The Light Hero: Beacon

Anime & Comics · shadowboy31

10 days ago

I think you mean SHIROHIGE

Before Akainu could launch another strike, a roar echoed across the battlefield. The very Barbablanca charged toward Akainu, saving Alaric at the last moment. The gigantic pirate, bisento in hand, blocked Akainu's attack with overwhelming power, generating a shockwave that split the ground beneath them.

One Piece: The Navy Traitor

One Piece: The Navy Traitor

Anime & Comics · RainHR

10 days ago

I don't know what word is meant to be there, but retail probably isn't it

Hermione quickly began to retail Erica with talks about how beautiful the castle was, while Ron and Harry settled into a quiet conversation about Quidditch, which was broken up by Harry informing Ron there wouldn't be Quidditch this year.

Humanity's Campione (HP/Campione)

Humanity's Campione (HP/Campione)

Anime & Comics · DanteMustDie

11 days ago
Replied to StromLantern

Fair enough

It was a common knight's sword, its blade a hand's width, made of steel. The weight was considerable, but for John, it was an excellent tool for strength training.

Hogwarts' John Wick

Hogwarts' John Wick

Book&Literature · Dragonel23

11 days ago

It's great to see this come up again. Thanks for the chapter, and I hope you have a good day

12 days ago

Maybe a dwarven cleric from dnd

Este livro foi excluído.
13 days ago

Shouldn't he be 14 or 15?

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter (age 12) managed to claim first place in the initial task of the Triwizard Tournament. He did not attempt to use transfiguration like Cedric Diggory, or charms like Fleur Delacour, or even brute strength like Viktor Krum. Instead the Boy-Who-Lived used Parseltongue (which has long been a trait shared by dark wizards) to command the fiercest of all dragons to submit to his will and hand over the golden egg. Rumors that Potter is a parselmouth first surfaced two years ago and have now been confirmed in spectacular fashion. We here at the Daily Prophet believe our readers have a right to know just what Harry Potter said to the dragon and whether or not he indeed used the Imperious Curse on the beast (as has been suggested in letters to the editor) in order to emerge victorious.

Harry Potter And The Unexpected Friend

Harry Potter And The Unexpected Friend

Book&Literature · Kitty_Loves_Milk

14 days ago

So I think a maker magic from fairy tail is best

Este livro foi excluído.
14 days ago

Didn't he already impress her?

With a cheerful wave to Maki-san, Sora bounded out of the library, his mind already whirring with plans for his upcoming prank. He had a chunin to impress, a system to test, and a whole village full of unsuspecting targets.

Naruto: The Crimson Error

Naruto: The Crimson Error

Anime & Comics · Desire96

14 days ago
Replied to DarthCerdac

Maybe dual wield tomahawks.

So, what do you all want his main weapon to be? Should it remain the same and have Cassian stick with a longsword? Maybe take up a bit of dual-wielding? A spear? A Polearm? I'm heavily considering making his main weapon an axe, like Kratos' Leviathan Axe. Give me your opinions. I can't promise that I'll follow them, but I'll consider them and if I like them and they fit well, maybe even employ them.

In Danmachi as a Witcher

In Danmachi as a Witcher

Anime & Comics · Orion_Art