

LV 4

It's a good day to lie

2018-06-01 Unido India
Obras originais
Emblemas 9

Moments 8
1 years ago

I usually don't like to read fanfics as the plot but this one got me hooked and I couldn't stop till I reached the end. Also just because a person is from earth and heard about harry potter don't mean they know everything of the plot.

1 years ago
Replied to Zubcero_187

Thanks for your review

1 years ago
Replied to Taragorm

It's more like I felt the story divert a lot from the original story I was inspired from after the beginning few chapters that's why I reduced the number of chapters I posted daily as I am working on re-vamping it. But before that, I decided to try put in other parts to try out so that I could understand how the readers are taking it Thanks for your input

1 years ago
Replied to Dominic_Zibuda

He will return in the next chapter.

1 years ago
Replied to ObamaUchiha

He simulated twice at once because he barely made any progress with the first simulation. Since he was destined to die the next day he used up all points in an effort to strengthen himself.

Each wolf gave him +20 sword energy and 10 points each, this was enough to repair his body by around 8%, and was just 10 points short of simulating again. Bheem desperately wanted to simulate again so that he could earn enough energy points to fix himself.

Sword Simulator: A sword's life

Sword Simulator: A sword's life

Book&Literature · Tyz0n

3 years ago

I like that he has started to question returning into the collective more and more. I wonder if he would consider making his own version of the collective.

From the very beginning, from the moment the Collector had entered this atmosphere to fight one of the gods to when it crawled on the dirt as a grub to now, all of it had been for the same purpose.

Alien Evolution System

Alien Evolution System

Fantasy · John_Doever

3 years ago

But the lord himself doesnt seem to be a grand character, if something he is like a spoiled brat who wants to have a kingdom back so he just mess around. i mean he wants to invade before he even settled the issues inside his own race, even when he suffered grievous losses he doesnt change the plan but stubbornly insist on his ways.

Zoll sat atop his throne of carved rock, the crest of his lordship – two tusks stacked atop each other – etched into the smooth rock and studded with lightstone crystals to shine upon a symbol that none knew anymore in this age.

Alien Evolution System

Alien Evolution System

Fantasy · John_Doever

3 years ago

well actually its opposite. collective hive mind is usually cowardly while spamming bots to protect itself, while most of emerging civilization leaders are battle worn warriors in the past. But then again as a brainwashed bot collector does not see it that way.

Unlike the hierarchies of the Collective where all served the Great Purpose with equal devotion, social hierarchies of the tinkerers often bred weak and self-destructive emotions among those they christened with higher titles.

Alien Evolution System

Alien Evolution System

Fantasy · John_Doever

  • Marvel: I am the Man of Steel original

    Marvel: I am the Man of Steel

    Movies MARVEL DC

    Atualizado recentemente

    From Man of Steel to Silver Superman, Lin Feng’s journey is just beginning. He studies the symbiote to create a suit for Iron Man, rescues little Morgan Stark from a zombie-infested universe, and even faces off against the Family Planning Office’s own Thanos—the comic version, with his ruthless, old-school ways. Even the Watchers, with their big-headed vigilance, come to him for assistance. As for Ultron with the Infinity Stones? He doesn’t last two chapters before being reduced to scrap. Lin Feng takes on a darkened Clark, mysterious black-cloaked foes, the Celestials, and the Time Variance Authority—fighting his way through them all. Years later, he stands with the Cosmic Cube in his left hand and the Matrix of Leadership in his right. What? You’re asking why these two are in human form? Well… that’s a story in itself. Disclaimer: This is a fan-translated version of the novel "漫威:我就是钢铁之躯!(全本)" by 榴莲蚂蚱. The original work is the intellectual property of the author, 榴莲蚂蚱, and all rights to the story and characters belong to them. This translation is intended for non-commercial, fan purposes only, to share my appreciation for this novel with other fans. I do not own any rights to the original content, nor am I making any profit from this translation. If you enjoy this story, please consider supporting the original author and official releases where available. If the original author or their representatives have any issues with this translation being shared, please contact me, and I will promptly remove it.

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    This novel has been stopped

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